Whose story are you living? We’re invited into God’s plan, and it’s about Him, not us. Don’t settle for less—see how surrender leads to His ultimate blessing!
When we mistake the privilege of being part of God’s story for the right to take the pen, we risk settling for less than His best. Like Abraham, we often seek God's blessing on our own plans instead of submitting to the greater promise He has for us. But God's faithfulness goes beyond our limits—He invites us to trust and walk faithfully, knowing His plans are greater than ours.
Remember that God will only multiply what we are willing to release, and when we let go, He leads us into something greater. Surrender and worship are essential; they bring revelation, align our hearts with God, and remind us that His promises depend on His nature, not ours.
Are you ready to trust Him with your story? Listen and then take this to God to hear how God is calling you to walk with Him!
Scriptures Referenced
Genesis 17:1-27; Luke 9:23; Romans 12:1; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 3:29; Colossians 2:11-14; Revelation 2:17
Key Insights
- God will give you small things to test whether your “yes” is on the table.
- When we step out of God’s plan there’s strife, jealousy, frustration, and anger.
- God’s call is not limited by age.
- God has two expectations: walk faithfully and be blameless.
- God always keeps His promises.
- How we respond to God matters.
- Worship unlocks greater revelation.
- With God’s promise, there’s always more.
- Pain is often the price tag for purpose.
About Springhouse
If you’re looking for a church in Smyrna, TN that is focused on Loving Big, Living Truth, and Healthy Family, we’d love to connect with you. We are home to a vibrant children’s ministry, powerful middle school and youth ministries, and incredible ministries for men and women of all ages. Our local and global outreaches include partnerships with missionaries in the US and abroad, Isaiah 117 House, local retirement communities, and more.
Additionally, we are home to Springhouse Theatre, an award-winning theatre in the Nashville area. Through the theatre, we serve both the greater Nashville theatre community, and thousands of patrons each year, and we are expanding our vision to impact the culture through the arts into additional mediums and through an expanding network of relationships.
We would love it if you would consider joining us in person for one of our Sunday gatherings.
Additional Resources
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- Giving: Online tithes and offerings
- Join us online: Livestream
- Our website: SpringhouseSmyrna.com
- Connect online: Download our app
Gathering Times
- Sundays, 9:00 AM
- Sundays, 10:30 AM
Contact Info
Springhouse Church
14119 Old Nashville Highway
Smyrna TN 37167
CCLI License 2070006
Aren't you glad you're at church today?
Speaker:Baptisms, the move of the Holy Spirit, man, can I just,
Speaker:don't you just know He's always moving?
Speaker:He's always moving.
Speaker:You don't have to come here on Sunday
Speaker:to experience the move of God.
Speaker:You don't have to come here on Sunday to do that.
Speaker:Now He does do that, and I'm glad when He does,
Speaker:but He will move Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday in your lives.
Speaker:I'm gonna tell you right now, I got a lot to share.
Speaker:So I'm going very fast.
Speaker:Get on your horse, you ready to saddle up?
Speaker:Stand with me, we're gonna go to Genesis chapter 17.
Speaker:And I would like you to read with some gusto this morning.
Speaker:Here we go.
Speaker:(congregation laughing)
Speaker:When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him
Speaker:and said, "I am God Almighty.
Speaker:"Walk before me faithfully and be blameless.
Speaker:"Then I will make my covenant between me and you
Speaker:"and will greatly increase your numbers."
Speaker:Abram fell face down and God said to him,
Speaker:"As for me, this is my covenant with you.
Speaker:"You will be the father of many nations.
Speaker:"No longer will you be called Abram.
Speaker:"Your name will be Abraham,
Speaker:"for I have made you a father of many nations.
Speaker:"I will make you very fruitful.
Speaker:"I will make nations of you and kings will come from you.
Speaker:"I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant
Speaker:"between me and you and your descendants after you
Speaker:"for the generations to come.
Speaker:"Every male among you shall be circumcised.
Speaker:"You are to undergo circumcision
Speaker:"and it will be the sign of the covenant
Speaker:"between me and you."
Speaker:God also said to Abraham, "As for Sarai, your wife,
Speaker:"you are no longer to call her Sarai.
Speaker:"Her name will be Sarah.
Speaker:"I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her.
Speaker:"I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations.
Speaker:"Kings of people will come from her."
Speaker:Abraham fell face down.
Speaker:He laughed and said to himself,
Speaker:"Will a son be born to a man 100 years old?
Speaker:"Will Sarah bear a child at the age of 90?"
Speaker:And Abraham said to God,
Speaker:"If only Ishmael might live under your blessing."
Speaker:Then God said, "Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son
Speaker:"and you will call him Isaac.
Speaker:"I will establish my covenant with him
Speaker:"as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him.
Speaker:"And as for Ishmael, I have heard you.
Speaker:"I will surely bless him.
Speaker:"I will make him fruitful
Speaker:"and will greatly increase his numbers.
Speaker:"He will be father to 12 rulers
Speaker:"and I will make him into a great nation.
Speaker:"But my covenant I will establish with Isaac
Speaker:"whom Sarah will bear to you by this time next year."
Speaker:On that very day, Abraham took his son Ishmael
Speaker:and all those born to his household
Speaker:or brought with his money,
Speaker:every male in his household and circumcised them
Speaker:as God told him.
Speaker:Father, I thank you for your word.
Speaker:Thank you that it brings truth.
Speaker:I pray this morning that it would bring transformative truth
Speaker:to our hearts and our lives
Speaker:as we explore what you've done in the past
Speaker:and how it connects to our story.
Speaker:In Jesus' name, amen.
Speaker:You are indeed a part of the greatest story ever told
Speaker:and if you're following along on our Bible reading plan,
Speaker:you will have already read this chapter
Speaker:and the ones leading up to it as well
Speaker:to kind of give some context to where we are.
Speaker:But for those of you who may have forgotten what you've read
Speaker:or have not read,
Speaker:let me give some context building up to Genesis chapter 17.
Speaker:In Genesis 10 and 11,
Speaker:the nations are scattered at the Tower of Babel
Speaker:and Abram's genealogy is introduced in chapter 10 and 11
Speaker:and he's born into the family of Terah.
Speaker:Now names and families are very important
Speaker:and we're gonna learn a little bit more about that later
Speaker:but names are very important.
Speaker:In Genesis chapter 12,
Speaker:God calls Abram to leave his homeland
Speaker:and go to the land that he's gonna show him.
Speaker:He promises Abram land, great nation
Speaker:and a blessing of all the earth.
Speaker:Abram obeys and he travels the Canaan
Speaker:where he builds altars and he worships God.
Speaker:Can I tell you that God will always move in a way
Speaker:of blessing you with more
Speaker:when you are faithful with the little.
Speaker:So what we see here unfolding in Abram's life
Speaker:is that God is introducing him to small moments
Speaker:where he can have his yes on the table,
Speaker:where he can obey so God can release in his life
Speaker:more, greater things.
Speaker:In Genesis chapter 13,
Speaker:Abram and his nephew Lot separate
Speaker:due to limited resources that they have
Speaker:and God expands the land promise.
Speaker:Abram is told his descendants will be as numerous
Speaker:as the dust on the earth or the sand on the seashore.
Speaker:In other words, your descendants are going to be so many
Speaker:that you can't count them.
Speaker:That's the type of promises our God makes.
Speaker:God makes incredible, wonderful, miraculous promises
Speaker:that he does keep.
Speaker:Can you say to your neighbor, God keeps his promises?
Speaker:In Genesis chapter 14,
Speaker:Abram rescues his nephew Lot from evading kings
Speaker:and he meets a guy named Melchizedek.
Speaker:And this is the first time where we see the tithe rendered.
Speaker:Abraham meets Melchizedek, the priest,
Speaker:and he renders a tithe, a tenth of what he owns.
Speaker:And I believe in that posture of obedience whenever we,
Speaker:anytime we walk in obedience to the Lord,
Speaker:not just in the tithe, but anytime the Lord continues
Speaker:to expand his blessing.
Speaker:In that same chapter, we look and we see how Abram
Speaker:is not taken by King Sodom, he's taken into the wealth
Speaker:'cause the King of Sodom came and said,
Speaker:hey, listen, you can have the plunder of everything here.
Speaker:Abram's response, my provision comes from the Lord.
Speaker:Can I tell you that your provision comes from the Lord?
Speaker:Doesn't come from man-made things,
Speaker:it doesn't come from even your victories,
Speaker:it comes from the Lord.
Speaker:In Genesis 15, God formally establishes his covenant
Speaker:with Abram, formally establishes his promise.
Speaker:And the promise is that he's going to have an offspring
Speaker:and it's going to come from him, a biological son,
Speaker:not a servant, will be his heir.
Speaker:In Genesis 16, I think most of us can find ourselves
Speaker:in both Abram and Sarai at this point
Speaker:because we often will go impatient,
Speaker:waiting on God's promise.
Speaker:Has anybody ever felt like you gotta help God along?
Speaker:Need to help you along the way, God?
Speaker:I don't think you've seen everything here,
Speaker:so let me kinda fashion something or make something happen
Speaker:so that your blessing can be what it is.
Speaker:And so Abram and Sarai have an idea, they say,
Speaker:hey, Abram, why don't you sleep with my servant?
Speaker:And the blessing could come through her.
Speaker:So Abram sleeps with Hagar and they have Ishmael.
Speaker:And so, look, God, look what we've done.
Speaker:Now you can bless us.
Speaker:Now that we've righted what you've forgotten, God,
Speaker:you can bless us, right?
Speaker:And so here we are in chapter 17, 13 years later,
Speaker:Abraham and Sarai, or Abram and Sarai
Speaker:have a 13-year-old boy, Ishmael,
Speaker:to which they think God's gonna convey this promise.
Speaker:Now, in Genesis chapter 17, I believe that,
Speaker:anybody here a formula type of person,
Speaker:like a checklist type, I like a good checklist,
Speaker:check, check, check, and we're done.
Speaker:Anybody, is that just me?
Speaker:Okay, I believe Genesis chapter 17 is a formula,
Speaker:a form, formulaic, is that a word?
Speaker:Yeah, formulaic, a checklist type chapter
Speaker:of how we can be ready to receive God's great promises
Speaker:for our life if we pay attention, okay?
Speaker:So Genesis chapter 17, we pick up here,
Speaker:and they've got this son, Ishmael,
Speaker:and they have fashioned him, or they have made him,
Speaker:and they said, this is going to be
Speaker:where the blessing's gonna come through, okay?
Speaker:When this chapter opens, the very first thing that it says
Speaker:is when Abram was 99 years old.
Speaker:Is anybody here 99 years old?
Speaker:Who's close?
Speaker:No, don't answer that.
Speaker:(congregation laughing)
Speaker:Can I tell you that God is not finished using you
Speaker:no matter how old you are?
Speaker:I wanna speak to the older demographic
Speaker:for just a moment here, because it is very easy
Speaker:for the older demographic, after you have what has been
Speaker:your prime of life, when you feel like you have done
Speaker:the thing, you get outside of that,
Speaker:and you begin to scratch your head, and you say,
Speaker:what's left for me to do?
Speaker:Is there anything left for me to do?
Speaker:Where do I belong?
Speaker:And really, if you're not careful, discouragement can set up.
Speaker:Frustration can set up.
Speaker:But can I tell you that as long as you are breathing
Speaker:on this planet, God has a plan for your life.
Speaker:In the world, there is a retirement plan.
Speaker:In the kingdom, there's no such thing.
Speaker:God has a purpose and a plan for your life
Speaker:as long as you are breathing here on the planet.
Speaker:But here's where I think where we miss it.
Speaker:Now, I'm not in the age demographic yet,
Speaker:but I've witnessed enough and I've talked to enough
Speaker:of you who have been in that demographic,
Speaker:and here's where I think we kinda miss the boat, okay?
Speaker:We miss the boat.
Speaker:When you get into that older demographic,
Speaker:you kinda look at that season in life
Speaker:where you were in the driver's seat,
Speaker:and you compare your life where you are right now
Speaker:to where it was then.
Speaker:And you know what comparison does?
Speaker:It's a thief of joy.
Speaker:You look at that season and you say,
Speaker:why am I not able to do those things anymore?
Speaker:Why does my life look like that anymore?
Speaker:And can I tell you, older demographic, here's my charge.
Speaker:Stop holding the younger generation responsible
Speaker:to put you in places of leadership and value.
Speaker:You are to hear from the Lord
Speaker:and do what the Lord tells you to do.
Speaker:When you hear from the Lord and you walk in obedience to Him,
Speaker:you will find your place right where you're supposed
Speaker:to be.
Speaker:Here's the thing.
Speaker:Listen, I'm the world's best driver.
Speaker:(congregation laughing)
Speaker:Just this past week, I took a group of seniors downtown
Speaker:to Nashville, went to an escape room and out to eat.
Speaker:And when we were there,
Speaker:I was driving down the interstate,
Speaker:and I kept hearing them shout, bingo, as loud as they could.
Speaker:And I was like, wow.
Speaker:Now, if you know me very well,
Speaker:you know I like a good game of bingo, okay?
Speaker:But I have no idea what they're doing
Speaker:or why they're saying that and having a conversation
Speaker:with somebody in the passenger seat there.
Speaker:So I just let it go and get down off the off ramp
Speaker:and they yell, bingo, again.
Speaker:And I'm like, what is going on?
Speaker:They are like into this bingo game, you know?
Speaker:So we go play the escape room, we get back in the van,
Speaker:we end up at the Thai restaurant.
Speaker:So we get out of the Thai restaurant,
Speaker:and when we get outside, the kids all run to the van
Speaker:and they shout, bingo, and this is where the van is.
Speaker:Now, you can't see that very well,
Speaker:but there's actually a line that's underneath the van there
Speaker:as I am taking two parking spots.
Speaker:Before our excursion, before our excursion,
Speaker:our seniors got a card together
Speaker:and they created a bingo card that had spots on it
Speaker:that said things such as,
Speaker:he will be cut off by another driver.
Speaker:He will slam on his brakes.
Speaker:He will park illegally.
Speaker:And they were shouting, bingo,
Speaker:as I was doing all of these things,
Speaker:not knowing that they had it on a bingo card.
Speaker:Now, here's the thing.
Speaker:Those in the older demographic,
Speaker:the current generation is in the driver's seat
Speaker:and we are needing some navigators.
Speaker:We are needing some navigators because I am driving crazy.
Speaker:I've got lines underneath my car.
Speaker:I need somebody in the navigator seat
Speaker:helping me as I drive the van.
Speaker:But here's the difference.
Speaker:There's a difference between being a navigator
Speaker:and somebody who criticizes.
Speaker:And if you're in the older demographic
Speaker:and all you're doing is criticizing the driver,
Speaker:don't get upset when they don't drive by your house
Speaker:and wanna pick you up.
Speaker:You have a role.
Speaker:Never negate the power of presence.
Speaker:One of the greatest gifts that Pastor Ronnie has given me
Speaker:in this season, this leg of my race, is that he shows up.
Speaker:And for those of you in the older demographic,
Speaker:I want you to hear loud and clear
Speaker:that there is so many places for you to serve
Speaker:here at Springhouse.
Speaker:It may not look like it did when you were in your,
Speaker:quote unquote, prime.
Speaker:It may look differently, but there are so many places
Speaker:and it's not my job to tell you what that place is.
Speaker:You have to hear from the Holy Spirit of God.
Speaker:Lean into what he tells you to do
Speaker:and as you walk in obedience to him,
Speaker:you will be fulfilled beyond anything in your imagination
Speaker:and you probably will be holding the arms up of somebody
Speaker:who needs to gain from the wisdom that you have.
Speaker:Can I digress from this point?
Speaker:God's call is not limited by your age.
Speaker:He appears to Abram at 99 years old
Speaker:and he says, "I'm gonna deepen my covenant
Speaker:"and my promise with you."
Speaker:A.W. Tozer says this, "God does not call the qualified,
Speaker:"he qualifies the called."
Speaker:God's call is, and his gifts are, irrevocable.
Speaker:That means no matter your age, where you've gone,
Speaker:what you've done, his gifts and his call are irrevocable.
Speaker:And so after he shows up, or as he shows up,
Speaker:the first thing that God says is this,
Speaker:"I am God Almighty."
Speaker:All true God's stories start here.
Speaker:I am God Almighty.
Speaker:The very first thing God is going to do in your life
Speaker:is establish the lines of authority.
Speaker:The very first thing God is going to do
Speaker:is to help you understand that anything that comes
Speaker:that's good in your life,
Speaker:anything that's about to be a blessing,
Speaker:anything that comes of the kingdom or in this world
Speaker:as it concerns you, if it's good,
Speaker:it starts with I am God Almighty.
Speaker:Because everything in your life is about bringing glory
Speaker:to not yourself, but to the King of Kings
Speaker:and the Lord of Lords.
Speaker:To the star breathing God.
Speaker:What makes your story so powerful
Speaker:is the radical transformative work of Jesus Christ
Speaker:in your life, can I hear an amen?
Speaker:So the very first thing God will do is establish
Speaker:that he is who he is in the relationship.
Speaker:And he doesn't start with you, which is very anti-cultural.
Speaker:'Cause we do like to start with us
Speaker:and we like to know what you're gonna do
Speaker:and how it's gonna affect us.
Speaker:And we expect everybody to do the same.
Speaker:Arwin Jones says this, "The toddler does not run the house."
Speaker:Can I tell you that the Christian does not run the kingdom?
Speaker:The King runs the kingdom.
Speaker:And it starts with I am God Almighty.
Speaker:And right behind that, God says,
Speaker:"I require two things, Abram,
Speaker:"for you to walk faithfully and to walk blamelessly."
Speaker:In other words, are you ready for this church?
Speaker:I expect excellence.
Speaker:I am God Almighty and I expect excellence.
Speaker:Who's meeting the mark?
Speaker:Raise your hand, anybody?
Speaker:Well, here's the thing.
Speaker:We cannot walk faithfully and we cannot walk blamelessly
Speaker:unless we recognize I am God Almighty.
Speaker:Because we need the help of the Holy Spirit
Speaker:to do either one of those things.
Speaker:The minute we get off the course
Speaker:and think that we are faithful in our own right
Speaker:and that we're blameless in our own right,
Speaker:we have negated that He is God Almighty
Speaker:and we put ourselves on the throne.
Speaker:He is God Almighty and He says,
Speaker:"I need you and I want you to walk faithfully
Speaker:"and blamelessly."
Speaker:Over in the New Testament, it says, "Be holy."
Speaker:Anybody doing that well this morning?
Speaker:"Be holy as I am holy," says the Lord.
Speaker:You can only do that with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker:Day by day, moment by moment.
Speaker:Walk faithfully, walk blamelessly before me.
Speaker:And so we rarely bring the best to the table.
Speaker:We rarely, would you guys lift your hands, lift your hands?
Speaker:Lift them higher.
Speaker:Why didn't you do that the first time?
Speaker:Because we're only willing to bring
Speaker:what we're comfortable with.
Speaker:We're only willing to get to the line
Speaker:to where it doesn't cost us anything.
Speaker:And so God is saying, "I want the margin
Speaker:"between comfortable and sacrifice.
Speaker:"I want all of those things in the in-between there."
Speaker:He's calling us up, He's calling us higher.
Speaker:But in order to do that, we've gotta understand
Speaker:who's God and who's not.
Speaker:He is God Almighty.
Speaker:So then after that, He establishes His promise
Speaker:and He uses this word covenant.
Speaker:Covenant is another word for promise
Speaker:but it's a deeper word.
Speaker:It's a word with foundation and has legs
Speaker:and it says, "We're gonna put some meat to this promise
Speaker:"and I'm gonna convey to you what I promise
Speaker:"and what I'm needing from you.
Speaker:"We're gonna put it just like a contract of sorts.
Speaker:"We're gonna really understand each other here
Speaker:"in this agreement."
Speaker:It's a deeper level of promise.
Speaker:Have you ever had somebody break a promise?
Speaker:How did it feel?
Speaker:You know, I've broken promises to my kids before
Speaker:and man, it's like you couldn't probably wound me more
Speaker:than me realizing I've broken a promise to my child.
Speaker:God always keeps His promises.
Speaker:You can always count on Him to keep His promises.
Speaker:Think about in real time, we're talking about 13 years
Speaker:between what Abram did and where we are right now.
Speaker:13 years.
Speaker:I don't even have a 13 year old yet.
Speaker:13 years.
Speaker:And God is coming up behind them.
Speaker:Guess what, He's gonna keep His promise.
Speaker:He's gonna keep His promise.
Speaker:I don't know how long you've been waiting on God
Speaker:to do what He said He was going to do
Speaker:but God will always keep His promise.
Speaker:It may not be in your timeline,
Speaker:might not look the way that you want it to look
Speaker:but if God said it, He will do it.
Speaker:If God said it, He will do it.
Speaker:And can I also say everything that He said
Speaker:He was going to do, He's done
Speaker:and everything that He said He's going to do, He will do.
Speaker:He is God.
Speaker:He is God Almighty.
Speaker:The reliability of a promise depends on the one making it.
Speaker:And so we can count on God
Speaker:because He's the one making the promise.
Speaker:I've made promises to God and I've kept every single one.
Speaker:That's not true.
Speaker:Anybody make a promise to God?
Speaker:I asked God if He would let it snow
Speaker:so we can get out of school.
Speaker:As a high school, I would read all the books of Psalms.
Speaker:Didn't happen.
Speaker:He made it snow.
Speaker:I didn't keep my end of the bargain.
Speaker:How many times have you let the Lord down
Speaker:with what you said you would do?
Speaker:I've done it lots of times.
Speaker:You can always count on Him.
Speaker:You can always count on the Lord.
Speaker:God never breaks His promises.
Speaker:Everything He has said will come to pass
Speaker:and continue to come to pass.
Speaker:So God appears to Abram, declares that He's God Almighty,
Speaker:tells him to be faithful and blameless, shares His promise
Speaker:and Abram responds.
Speaker:Can I tell you, this is so important guys,
Speaker:how we respond matters.
Speaker:How we respond matters in everything, how we respond.
Speaker:And this is Abram's response.
Speaker:Abram fell face down.
Speaker:We could end the message right here.
Speaker:Because our number one go-to of response
Speaker:is to open our mouth and say.
Speaker:But guys, can I suggest that we need to close our mouth
Speaker:and fall down in a posture of worship?
Speaker:Recognizing that He is God Almighty,
Speaker:recognizing who He is, Abram falls down
Speaker:in a posture of worship.
Speaker:Guys, worship is not just coming in here on Sunday morning
Speaker:and singing a couple of songs.
Speaker:You do understand that, right?
Speaker:Like a fraction of our worship is us gathering together
Speaker:to enthrone Him on our praises this morning.
Speaker:We had a powerful moment of worship this morning,
Speaker:but it is a fraction of what it is.
Speaker:This is what the Scripture tells us that worship is.
Speaker:I urge you, brothers and sisters,
Speaker:in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies
Speaker:as living sacrifices.
Speaker:Any living sacrifices in here this morning?
Speaker:Holy and pleasing to God,
Speaker:this is your true and proper worship.
Speaker:This is Monday morning.
Speaker:This is Tuesday afternoon.
Speaker:This is Wednesday night.
Speaker:This is every day of our life,
Speaker:offering our bodies, our lives, holy to the Lord.
Speaker:I need the Holy Spirit to help me with that.
Speaker:I need the Holy Spirit to help me in my worship.
Speaker:Worship was Abram's response.
Speaker:And whenever we worship, listen,
Speaker:worship unlocks greater revelation.
Speaker:When we worship, it unlocks greater revelation.
Speaker:Some of us have been sitting on a word,
Speaker:we have created an Ishmael,
Speaker:we bring Ishmael with us into this place,
Speaker:and we sit there and we are waiting for a revelation
Speaker:from God and God is saying, you have not surrendered to me.
Speaker:You are doing more talking than you are listening.
Speaker:Your heart posture is, I've got it all together,
Speaker:God, I want your plan to fit into my plan.
Speaker:And this morning, I believe the invitation
Speaker:is for us to evaluate our lives
Speaker:to see if we've got any Ishmaels running around
Speaker:that we need to trade in for Isaac's.
Speaker:That we need to say, God, I've fashioned this Ishmael,
Speaker:I put this work and all this time into it,
Speaker:and God, your word, just like you did with Ishmael,
Speaker:you're not gonna forget about Ishmael,
Speaker:but that's not what you said.
Speaker:And I believe your word in what it says.
Speaker:God will always deliver on his promise.
Speaker:God had more for Abram.
Speaker:You will be the father of many nations.
Speaker:This is what the scripture says.
Speaker:You will be the father of many nations.
Speaker:No longer will you be called Abram,
Speaker:your name will be Abraham.
Speaker:But listen to this.
Speaker:For I have made,
Speaker:I have made you a father of many nations.
Speaker:What is will be?
Speaker:It is, what is will you?
Speaker:Will be is future.
Speaker:Have made is?
Speaker:Do you see what God did there?
Speaker:I'm giving you, I'm going to make you fruitful
Speaker:based on something that I've already decided to do.
Speaker:It's already done.
Speaker:You being a father of the nations
Speaker:is not predicated on something that you do.
Speaker:It's going to be based on what I do through you.
Speaker:Are you with me?
Speaker:And in that, in the future,
Speaker:because of the past thing
Speaker:that I already decided to do in present,
Speaker:I'm going to bless you and make you fruitful.
Speaker:Can I tell you that God has spoken promises over your life?
Speaker:Some of you have just decided that they're no more.
Speaker:But past tense, he has done it.
Speaker:He's going to keep his promise.
Speaker:He will prosper you in it.
Speaker:He will keep the thing that he said he was going to do.
Speaker:And so he changes Abram's name.
Speaker:And Abram's name changes from an exalted father
Speaker:to the father of nations.
Speaker:Which is better, an individual exalted father
Speaker:or the father of nations?
Speaker:Can I tell you, God always has more
Speaker:than you can ever expect.
Speaker:Or imagine.
Speaker:God has always got more than you can ever expect or imagine.
Speaker:And so he changes the name.
Speaker:And when it comes to names, church,
Speaker:what I want you to understand,
Speaker:it's not about what you are called,
Speaker:it's about what you answer to.
Speaker:I have been called so many things in my life.
Speaker:And the only time that I try to render power
Speaker:to what I'm called is what I answer to.
Speaker:You give power to what you answer to.
Speaker:The world has assigned a whole bunch of labels
Speaker:and names for your life.
Speaker:But God has some other names.
Speaker:Which one are you answering to?
Speaker:Which one are you, because Abram could have said no,
Speaker:no thank you, I'll just continue to be Abram
Speaker:and not the father of nations.
Speaker:But the blessing rested in the father of nations.
Speaker:Which banner, which name are you living your life under?
Speaker:Which banner and name are you answering to?
Speaker:Because let me tell you, this enemy's out to kill,
Speaker:steal and destroy and he's got a lot of crappy things
Speaker:to say about you.
Speaker:A lot of crazy things to call you.
Speaker:And some of you are answering that call,
Speaker:going to those vices, destroying your life,
Speaker:not understanding that the God of the universe
Speaker:has a name for you.
Speaker:That he has a promise for you that negates all other things.
Speaker:If you just believe it and receive it in worship,
Speaker:in worship, God says I have so much more for you.
Speaker:Stop answering to a name that is beneath the call
Speaker:I've given you and begin to allow me to identify you
Speaker:based on my plan and my purpose.
Speaker:Do you realize friends that you are a new creation?
Speaker:If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come,
Speaker:the old has come and the new is here.
Speaker:I found this verse in Revelation this week.
Speaker:To the one who is victorious, I will give a white stone
Speaker:with a new name written on it, known only to the one
Speaker:who receives it.
Speaker:God is in the business of renaming things.
Speaker:The old is gone, the new has come.
Speaker:Are you ready to receive it?
Speaker:So what about this deal of circumcision?
Speaker:Circumcision is listed here as a covenant side
Speaker:between God and Abraham, marking a deeper commitment
Speaker:and responsibility in their relationship.
Speaker:You understand that every covenant,
Speaker:every, in order for us to get to the covenant promise of God
Speaker:there has to be the shedding of blood every single time.
Speaker:There has to be the shedding of blood.
Speaker:We live post-Christ, post what he did on the cross.
Speaker:He shed the blood, he was the perfect lamb on the cross
Speaker:and so therefore we don't have to kill goats and lambs
Speaker:and pay and spill blood for our sin,
Speaker:including this whole deal of circumcision,
Speaker:which symbolically represents separation from the world
Speaker:and devotion to God, much like the other covenant signs
Speaker:in biblical history such as the rainbow after the flood.
Speaker:Circumcision also signifies a cutting away
Speaker:of a reliance on human strength,
Speaker:especially in contrast to Abraham and Sarah's attempt
Speaker:to fulfill the promise themselves with Hagar and Ishmael.
Speaker:Beyond a mere physical sign, circumcision symbolizes death
Speaker:to the flesh to avoid judgment.
Speaker:It echoes the themes of Noah's Ark
Speaker:like we learned about last week.
Speaker:Who appreciated Josh's message last week on Noah's Ark?
Speaker:The Passover blood, God's judgment against sin
Speaker:demonstrating a need for spiritual renewal
Speaker:and reliance on God's power.
Speaker:By instituting circumcision, God calls Abraham
Speaker:to reject self-reliance and trust in divine intervention
Speaker:to bring about his promises,
Speaker:particularly regarding the promised offspring.
Speaker:The act serves as a reminder of salvation and blessing
Speaker:do not come through human schemes,
Speaker:but through God's faithfulness.
Speaker:In the New Testament, circumcision is fulfilled
Speaker:through Christ who was cut off in his death
Speaker:for human redemption.
Speaker:Let's look at the book of Colossians chapter two.
Speaker:It says this, "In him you were also circumcised
Speaker:"with a circumcision not made with hands,
Speaker:"but by the circumcision of Christ
Speaker:"in the stripping off of the body of the flesh,
Speaker:"having been buried with him in baptism, raised with him."
Speaker:This is why we are dead to the world
Speaker:and alive in Christ when we baptize.
Speaker:'Cause you are dead to the world, you are cut off.
Speaker:It's as if you have been circumcised
Speaker:to signify that you are cut off.
Speaker:But guess what?
Speaker:We don't have to go through the circumcision process
Speaker:because Jesus was the perfect lamb.
Speaker:He paid the price.
Speaker:Jesus' sacrifice replaces the physical circumcision
Speaker:as the sign of God's covenant,
Speaker:emphasizing that righteousness comes through faith,
Speaker:not through human works.
Speaker:Your works are like filthy rags.
Speaker:So we don't do works.
Speaker:No, we learned last week that we have a job to do.
Speaker:But when our value and our salvation
Speaker:and our relationship with God is defined by those works,
Speaker:it's like filthy rags.
Speaker:Because the only way that we can have a relationship
Speaker:with Jesus Christ is through his blood,
Speaker:through the spilt blood of Christ.
Speaker:Abraham was called to trust in God's ability
Speaker:to bring life from barrenness.
Speaker:Believers are called to place their faith in Christ's power
Speaker:to bring salvation, transforming human weakness
Speaker:into divine fulfillment.
Speaker:The covenant, listen to this friends,
Speaker:the covenant is not so much about what you get.
Speaker:This promise, he's outlining this promise to Abraham.
Speaker:You're gonna be a father of many nations.
Speaker:Kings are gonna be all of these things.
Speaker:But guys, can I tell you at the crux of the promise
Speaker:is not what you get, it's who you belong to.
Speaker:You get to be in relationship with God Almighty,
Speaker:the one who breathes stars, the one who creates your story,
Speaker:that pins your story so wonderfully well.
Speaker:Thankfully, the shedding of the blood was taking care of us
Speaker:and we no longer have to circumcise
Speaker:to be a part of his great promise.
Speaker:The blood allows for the covenant to take place
Speaker:and now we are charged as to live
Speaker:as ones marked by the covenant.
Speaker:This is what Jesus said in Luke.
Speaker:Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves
Speaker:and take up their cross daily and follow me.
Speaker:Can I tell you, listen, for some of you,
Speaker:this is harder than circumcision.
Speaker:Because you are holding so tightly
Speaker:onto the things that you want to control
Speaker:and God is inviting you to relinquish those things
Speaker:so he can give you something so much better.
Speaker:So much better.
Speaker:Some of us are following symbolic crosses
Speaker:but we're really being led by our own mind
Speaker:and our own heart and our own thoughts.
Speaker:The invitation and the promise is a daily invitation
Speaker:to follow him, a daily invitation to come.
Speaker:Pain is often the price tag for purpose.
Speaker:Pain is often the price tag for purpose.
Speaker:Some of you may have been going through a season
Speaker:in your life where you're thinking,
Speaker:man, this doesn't feel good.
Speaker:Have you ever done something that God's told you to do
Speaker:and you're like, this doesn't feel good, I don't like it?
Speaker:Can I tell you that pain could be the catalyst
Speaker:to your greatest, greatest blessing?
Speaker:And if we really are attuned to the kingdom
Speaker:and this whole thing, some of you, he had a 13-year-old.
Speaker:Who has a teenager here, anybody got a teenager?
Speaker:Can I tell you it's selfish for you
Speaker:to just believe a promise for your life
Speaker:and not believe that that promise
Speaker:affects your offspring and your kids?
Speaker:It doesn't start and end with you.
Speaker:So some of you are so focused in on,
Speaker:I'm not feeling, I'm not seeing.
Speaker:What if the greatest act of love as a parent
Speaker:was that you were to suffer your entire life
Speaker:so that your children could inherit the blessing?
Speaker:Would it be worth it?
Speaker:Would it be worth it to say, God, I don't understand
Speaker:why I'm having to suffer and go through this,
Speaker:but I believe beyond my death,
Speaker:I believe that you're gonna make your promise
Speaker:come true because you said you would.
Speaker:You said you would.
Speaker:So he's gonna ask you to render what you've done.
Speaker:There's a story of a guy who had a toddler girl
Speaker:and the mom had to go on a trip.
Speaker:So he said, I'm gonna hang out with my daughter,
Speaker:my little toddler.
Speaker:And he says, what do you wanna do today?
Speaker:And she says, I wanna paint.
Speaker:So he goes out to the store and he gets these paint colors
Speaker:and these brushes and sets up the water and the canvases.
Speaker:He's got it all set up so perfect at the table.
Speaker:And so the toddler, he invites her to the table
Speaker:and she sits up there and he's expecting her
Speaker:to grab that brush and dip it in the paint
Speaker:and just nicely go against that canvas
Speaker:and dip it back in the water.
Speaker:She takes that paint, she throws it on the walls,
Speaker:on the table, on the canvas.
Speaker:She takes that water and knocks it down all over.
Speaker:He takes her hand and places it all on that canvas like this
Speaker:and he is just so frustrated and upset
Speaker:'cause it didn't go the way that he thought
Speaker:it was gonna go.
Speaker:Well later on that day, that little toddler walks up
Speaker:and grabs her canvas and brings it to her daddy
Speaker:and says this, look what I did.
Speaker:That dad's heart changed immediately.
Speaker:Because all of a sudden it didn't matter what was done.
Speaker:What mattered was who did it.
Speaker:And can I tell you, some of you have labored in ministries.
Speaker:You have raised an Ishmael.
Speaker:You have crafted things on your own strength
Speaker:and it looks no better than that painting.
Speaker:But can I tell you the graciousness of our God?
Speaker:He'll take that mess and he'll hang it
Speaker:right on the fridge rater and say,
Speaker:Kurt, look what you did.
Speaker:You're such a good boy, right?
Speaker:Doug, you just painted that and I know you're so proud of it
Speaker:but he says this, I'm gonna hang this here
Speaker:and bless you for it but I've got so much better for you.
Speaker:I've got so much more in store for you
Speaker:if you will let me move in your life.
Speaker:So what about your Ishmael?
Speaker:Have you been sitting on something
Speaker:that you've crafted together to try to make it happen?
Speaker:Have you taken a job that you weren't supposed to take?
Speaker:Have you gotten in a relationship
Speaker:you weren't supposed to get in?
Speaker:Have you said that, have you disconnected
Speaker:from a relationship that you were supposed to stay in?
Speaker:Have you stopped ministering in an area
Speaker:you should be ministering in or have you averted
Speaker:not going out there and signing up
Speaker:for a ministry at those tables
Speaker:because of past wounds and hurt?
Speaker:I don't know what the story is
Speaker:but I believe that there are some Ishmaels here.
Speaker:And God wants to tell you
Speaker:that he will bless what you've done
Speaker:but there's something so much better if you'll let him,
Speaker:if you'll surrender.
Speaker:Now, Jesus Christ paid the price.
Speaker:The reason we come to the table,
Speaker:if those who are gonna serve the elements come forward,
Speaker:the reason that we go to the table every week at this church
Speaker:is because when we are gathered
Speaker:as a part of our worship time together in this moment,
Speaker:we are reminded that we are not having
Speaker:to circumcise ourselves, to kill goats and lambs
Speaker:and all to do all of those things
Speaker:because of Jesus and what he did.
Speaker:And because of his great big promise
Speaker:and laying down his life and shedding his blood,
Speaker:because of that promise, because he did that for us,
Speaker:we get to come to the table freely but here's the thing,
Speaker:he's got a blessing for you.
Speaker:He's got some things for you to do.
Speaker:He's got some unwritten pages of your story
Speaker:that if you will just render the pen
Speaker:and allow him to take it up,
Speaker:he'll write some remarkable things in your story
Speaker:that you never thought possible.
Speaker:But at the end of the day, when you read the story,
Speaker:when we read the greatest story ever told about Ted's life
Speaker:or Bob's life or Kurt's life or Hannah's life
Speaker:or Ronnie's life or Mary Sue's life or April's life,
Speaker:when you read the end of the story,
Speaker:it's not going to be an amazement
Speaker:on all these things you did.
Speaker:Well, you did that ministry and you did this thing
Speaker:and look at that that you built.
Speaker:Oh, it's going to be, I got to be with Jesus.
Speaker:I got to be with the star breather of the universe
Speaker:and I had a relationship with him
Speaker:and there was nothing that could supersede that.
Speaker:And so when we come to the table,
Speaker:you're not thinking about your sin.
Speaker:He forgave your sin.
Speaker:He said he forgot about it from the east, from the west.
Speaker:Isn't that glorious?
Speaker:We want to think about how bad of a wretched person.
Speaker:We come, the word tells us we come and we remember.
Speaker:What are we remembering?
Speaker:I'm such a wretched sinner.
Speaker:No, we remember that he came, lived a perfect life,
Speaker:paid the price, was buried, rose again.
Speaker:And here's the best part of all.
Speaker:We remember past tense, a future promise.
Speaker:He's coming again, guys, and he's going to split the sky.
Speaker:And so we rejoice.
Speaker:We rejoice.
Speaker:Would you stand with me this morning?
Speaker:We're going to go to the table
Speaker:as we close the gathering this morning
Speaker:and my encouragement to you is
Speaker:as you take the elements this morning
Speaker:that you would remember who he is
Speaker:and that you have access to him this morning.
Speaker:You'll come, take communion, go back to your seats
Speaker:and then I'll bless you when it's over.
Speaker:Let's worship.
Speaker:(gentle music)
Speaker:(gentle music)
Speaker:(gentle music)