Youth Sunday
Wondering what our youth pastors and leaders are praying for and what God has been doing in the lives of our teens? Listen as Pastor James and some of our teens share about what God is doing in their lives and about their recent youth camp.
Scriptures Referenced
Jeremiah 29:13; Philippians 1:27
Key Insights
- Our goal for our teens (and for our adults)
- What we look for in leaders.
- Four guiding principles for what we do.
- What God has been doing in some of our teens.
About Springhouse
If you’re looking for a church in Smyrna, TN that is focused on Loving Big, Living Truth, and Healthy Family, we’d love to connect with you. We are home to a vibrant children’s ministry, powerful middle school and youth ministries, and incredible ministries for men and women of all ages. Our local and global outreaches include partnerships with missionaries in the US and abroad, Isaiah 117 House, local retirement communities, and more.
Additionally, we are home to Springhouse Theatre, an award-winning theatre in the Nashville area. Through the theatre, we serve both the greater Nashville theatre community, and thousands of patrons each year, and we are expanding our vision to impact the culture through the arts into additional mediums and through an expanding network of relationships.
We would love it if you would consider joining us in person for one of our Sunday gatherings.
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- Our website: SpringhouseSmyrna.com
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Gathering Times
- Sundays, 9:00 AM
- Sundays, 10:30 AM
Contact Info
Springhouse Church
14119 Old Nashville Highway
Smyrna TN 37167
CCLI License 2070006
(upbeat music)
Speaker:- Believe it or not, it is August 1st.
Speaker:Our midweek gatherings will not begin until August 8th.
Speaker:Okay, so we will not be meeting this Thursday,
Speaker:but we will be meeting the following Thursday.
Speaker:We will be beginning a series on the Galatians
Speaker:here in the Ministry Center.
Speaker:Our youth program will be back in swing.
Speaker:Our kids ministry will be back in junior Bible quiz.
Speaker:And so we're excited about this.
Speaker:August 8th, make a plan to be here,
Speaker:six o'clock on August 8th.
Speaker:So we'll start back midweek at that point.
Speaker:Okay, so not this Thursday, but next Thursday.
Speaker:Well, today is Youth Sunday.
Speaker:And man, hasn't it been a rich morning already?
Speaker:It has been incredible.
Speaker:God has been so gracious.
Speaker:He's been so gracious to us.
Speaker:And we just love the Lord.
Speaker:We've been in a series called His Church.
Speaker:And our youth are not separate
Speaker:from being a part of His Church.
Speaker:They are very much a part of His Church.
Speaker:And one of the things that I've learned over time
Speaker:that the Lord has really helped to remind me
Speaker:when it comes to youth and children
Speaker:is that sometimes as adults,
Speaker:we can kind of have an attitude of it's those people,
Speaker:or that group, go sit at the kid table, the youth table.
Speaker:But I tend to believe that the kids in youth
Speaker:are probably the most important people
Speaker:in the building right now, quite honestly.
Speaker:Not to say that you're not important
Speaker:and that we don't love you and God doesn't love you.
Speaker:He certainly does, but we're raising a generation
Speaker:of warriors for the kingdom right now,
Speaker:impressionable hearts back in the back there.
Speaker:And so they're important.
Speaker:And it's important for us to have this time.
Speaker:Sherry and I had the privilege of serving as youth pastors
Speaker:here at Springhouse for six years.
Speaker:It was over a period of eight years.
Speaker:We took two years off when we had our fourth child.
Speaker:But for six years, we had the privilege of serving
Speaker:as a youth pastors.
Speaker:And man, what a joy it was to be in charge of the youth here
Speaker:at Springhouse.
Speaker:Some of our youth are sitting over here as young adults now
Speaker:and some of them leading,
Speaker:some have gone on to different places or whatnot.
Speaker:But we had such a privilege and pleasure
Speaker:of working with the youth.
Speaker:And probably one of the most remarkable things
Speaker:is I didn't get fired.
Speaker:You know, I would bring back teens with no eyebrows.
Speaker:I had them eat earwax from one another.
Speaker:It's some crazy things that we did
Speaker:and I won't go any further than that.
Speaker:But I wanted to bust up a misconception about that time,
Speaker:I've kind of carried for a while
Speaker:that Kevin made these teens do this stuff.
Speaker:No, Kevin offered them points
Speaker:and teens do anything for points, okay?
Speaker:And so they would do the most outrageous things
Speaker:and they did and they have some memories
Speaker:that they established during those times.
Speaker:But one of them,
Speaker:oh, there it is.
Speaker:They were gonna make sure to get that slide up there.
Speaker:Yeah, okay, yeah.
Speaker:There are some worst pictures than this I could show.
Speaker:I'm not going to.
Speaker:You got the next slide or no?
Speaker:There are three ingredients that I look for
Speaker:in really establishing any leader in the church,
Speaker:but especially when I was working with youth
Speaker:and I looked for youth leaders.
Speaker:We had a team of about 16, 17
Speaker:and those were the three things.
Speaker:Love the Lord, be faithful and show up.
Speaker:And if there's anything that our next generation need,
Speaker:it's people who love the Lord, are faithful
Speaker:and will show up.
Speaker:And when it came time for us to begin this transition
Speaker:into this role, I asked the Lord,
Speaker:Lord, who do you have in the leadership to take my spot?
Speaker:You see, I wasn't trying to be about,
Speaker:let me just get out of the youth group
Speaker:and they'll just figure it out because I love the teens
Speaker:and I wanted the Lord to supply the people he had chosen.
Speaker:And he did.
Speaker:He chose James and Dana Jansen to be our youth pastors.
Speaker:And James and Dana have done a phenomenal job
Speaker:with our teens, a phenomenal job with our teens.
Speaker:They work relentlessly, loving on
Speaker:and just encouraging and speaking life into our youth group
Speaker:and have done such a better job than I ever did.
Speaker:At least everybody comes back with their eyebrows.
Speaker:But here's what's so great about the transition
Speaker:between me and them and as we continue to move forward.
Speaker:The purpose and the foundation hasn't changed.
Speaker:Go ahead and put the next slide up.
Speaker:We want our teens to thrive in an authentic relationship
Speaker:with Jesus Christ.
Speaker:And guess what?
Speaker:We want you to thrive in your relationship
Speaker:with Jesus Christ, authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.
Speaker:Do you know at one point in time you were a teenager
Speaker:and now you're an adult.
Speaker:I pray that you are thriving in your relationship
Speaker:with Jesus Christ.
Speaker:So our teens had quite the experience.
Speaker:A couple of weeks ago at camp,
Speaker:they went down to Garner Creek and they did a camp
Speaker:with a bunch of different churches together
Speaker:and had quite the experience.
Speaker:And I want to invite Pastor James to come and share
Speaker:just a little bit with you about that experience.
Speaker:Guys, welcome the best youth pastor on the planet.
Speaker:(congregation applauding)
Speaker:- Hey, hey, hey.
Speaker:So it's an honor.
Speaker:First of all, it is an honor to get to serve
Speaker:as a youth pastor in this house, to serve the Lord.
Speaker:And have as much fun as we do in the youth group, right?
Speaker:If you're looking to serve, guys, come on up.
Speaker:We have a ton of fun.
Speaker:I'd love to meet with you, hug your neck
Speaker:and see what the Lord does in it.
Speaker:Like Pastor Kevin was talking about,
Speaker:we have been partnered with a group of nine youth groups
Speaker:around the local area.
Speaker:A lot of the kids know each other.
Speaker:They go to the same schools, local high schools.
Speaker:And we just really have went all in
Speaker:with what the Lord is doing.
Speaker:He's been growing us deep.
Speaker:He gave me a word at the beginning of 2023
Speaker:and it was just to dive in deep.
Speaker:And so we were going after him.
Speaker:We're going after the gospel and learning about Jesus
Speaker:and being the hands and feet.
Speaker:We took a group of 50 to Gulf Shores in 2023 at camp
Speaker:and spread the gospel.
Speaker:And then we continued in the gospel
Speaker:and in the book of Acts as we took a look at the early church
Speaker:and what they were doing
Speaker:and how they operated as a body of believers.
Speaker:And we're like, Lord, this is what we want.
Speaker:We wanna be used by you.
Speaker:We want, we're here for yours.
Speaker:And that's what we're teaching is if you wanna be used
Speaker:by the Lord, it starts with a surrendered life.
Speaker:It starts with God, I'm all of yours
Speaker:and I'm just allowing you to use me
Speaker:in whatever capacity that you want.
Speaker:And so we've been partnering, we've been branching out
Speaker:with these other nine youth groups.
Speaker:And the Lord has done some amazing things
Speaker:in and throughout our youth group.
Speaker:We have a bunch of teens that are ready to testify
Speaker:about his goodness and what he's done.
Speaker:So I don't wanna take up any more time,
Speaker:but our scripture verse up in the youth group
Speaker:is Jeremiah 29, 13.
Speaker:It says, "You will seek me and find me
Speaker:"when you seek me with all of your heart."
Speaker:We believe that and stand on that word every day.
Speaker:Every day we gotta remind ourselves,
Speaker:Lord, I'm seeking you with everything I got.
Speaker:Reckless abandonment, I'm yours, God, use me today.
Speaker:We have four kind of creeds, if you will,
Speaker:up in the youth group.
Speaker:The first one is we want the best for one another
Speaker:and put others' interests above our own.
Speaker:Amen. Amen.
Speaker:We run towards people, not away from them.
Speaker:We embrace them and show them Jesus.
Speaker:The third one is we are people who leave
Speaker:God-sized impressions on those that we meet.
Speaker:And the fourth one is we love big and we serve well.
Speaker:Guys, there's opportunities to serve
Speaker:the body of Christ every day.
Speaker:And when we belong to a house, when we belong to a body,
Speaker:it is natural for us to begin to serve,
Speaker:to begin to lay our lives down and allow God to use us
Speaker:in whatever capacity that is.
Speaker:Okay, and so I wanna go ahead and play the video
Speaker:and then we're gonna testify to his goodness.
Speaker:All right, let's take a look at what God did
Speaker:over this last couple of weeks.
Speaker:(upbeat music)
Speaker:Amen, amen.
Speaker:30 baptisms.
Speaker:There are 30 people for the first time
Speaker:gave their lives to the Lord.
Speaker:30 people for the first time.
Speaker:228 of them recommitted their decision,
Speaker:recommitted their life to the Lord.
Speaker:168 of them were filled with the Spirit,
Speaker:were filled with, said, "Yes, I was filled
Speaker:"with the Holy Spirit this weekend."
Speaker:And then 45 of them were baptized that way
Speaker:that same weekend.
Speaker:And then we also just had another one baptized
Speaker:with Paxton up there.
Speaker:It warms my heart so much to see these kids
Speaker:go all in with Jesus.
Speaker:And guys, this is what it's meant to be.
Speaker:It's not for just a small part of where we're at.
Speaker:This is a bigger picture of community
Speaker:and this is what the fellowship of believers look like.
Speaker:It extends past Smyrna, right?
Speaker:So this is our heart.
Speaker:We wanna be connected.
Speaker:We wanna be branched out and be available
Speaker:for whatever God has in store.
Speaker:1 Corinthians 12, 13 through 14 says,
Speaker:"For we were all baptized by one Spirit
Speaker:"so as to form one body, whether Jews or Gentiles,
Speaker:"slave or free, and we were all given
Speaker:"the one Spirit to drink.
Speaker:"Even so, the body is not made up of one part,
Speaker:"but of many."
Speaker:So to start us off with some testimonies
Speaker:of God's goodness, we have none other
Speaker:than Allyssa Entzminger.
Speaker:Y'all give it up.
Speaker:(congregation cheering and applauding)
Speaker:- Hi.
Speaker:Today, I think that I should talk about
Speaker:how I was freed from a ton of bondage
Speaker:and how through this camp,
Speaker:a lot of bondage and a lot of shackles
Speaker:and things that have held me back
Speaker:from a good relationship with the Lord.
Speaker:So when I came back, I decided I wanna rewatch
Speaker:one of my favorite TV shows, The Chosen.
Speaker:And when I was rewatching it,
Speaker:there was one thing that stuck out to me.
Speaker:It's when Mary Magdalene was talking to Nicodemus
Speaker:after she had been freed from her demons.
Speaker:And she said, because she didn't know Jesus's name yet,
Speaker:and she didn't know exactly who he was,
Speaker:she said, "But here is what I do know.
Speaker:"I know that I was one way,
Speaker:"but now I am completely different.
Speaker:"And what happened in between was him."
Speaker:And that is what I feel happened to me.
Speaker:And those chains have been shattered.
Speaker:And as the devil tries to go,
Speaker:"Hey, you should focus on these things."
Speaker:I'm trying to think, no, I shouldn't
Speaker:because that was my past.
Speaker:And God doesn't wanna define us by our past
Speaker:because our past is our past.
Speaker:And God wants to define us by our is,
Speaker:but the world wants to define us by our was.
Speaker:But our is is our is and our was is our was.
Speaker:(congregation applauding)
Speaker:- That's awesome, that's awesome.
Speaker:We serve a God who delivers, amen?
Speaker:Amen, and I just wanna say, Pursue Camp is great, guys.
Speaker:It is an opportunity for us to get together.
Speaker:But the one who's in charge
Speaker:and the one who gets the glory is Jesus, amen?
Speaker:Amen, all right, next up we have Mr. DJ Jones.
Speaker:DJ wrote it down.
Speaker:And so I'm gonna hold the microphone for him.
Speaker:Is that cool?
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:- Hello, my name is DJ Jones
Speaker:and this was my first time ever going to youth camp.
Speaker:My favorite part about camp was worship.
Speaker:Everyone was all in, I wanna share my testimony about it.
Speaker:During Wednesday night service,
Speaker:the pastor was talking about fear
Speaker:and how it doesn't have to control you.
Speaker:The Holy Spirit was speaking to me about the fear I have.
Speaker:My legs were shaking so bad.
Speaker:So I went to my dad for prayer.
Speaker:He prayed with me and then Pastor Kevin came up to me
Speaker:and prayed with me also.
Speaker:I was bawling my eyes out.
Speaker:And I felt the Lord was telling me to read my Bible more.
Speaker:Pastor Kevin shared a verse with me
Speaker:that has changed my mindset.
Speaker:Second Timothy 1, seven says,
Speaker:"For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
Speaker:"but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
Speaker:This verse is now my life verse.
Speaker:I'm thankful I went to pursuit camp and it changed my life.
Speaker:(congregation cheering)
Speaker:- Amen, amen.
Speaker:Praise God, praise God.
Speaker:DJ is a young one in youth and DJ is not just
Speaker:a young one in youth, he's a leader in youth, amen?
Speaker:All right, next up we have Mr. Sebastian Geertz.
Speaker:Give it up.
Speaker:(congregation cheering)
Speaker:- Hello guys, I'm Sebastian Geertz as James said.
Speaker:Know what you're thinking,
Speaker:probably not a team with all this spatial hair, but I am.
Speaker:I went to pursuit camp this past week
Speaker:and I'm not a very big camp guy and all.
Speaker:I wasn't really expecting much coming from it.
Speaker:I went to camp a few years ago, I thought I was all right,
Speaker:but James and Dana convinced me to come this year.
Speaker:So I went and I wasn't expecting much,
Speaker:but the first night of service, the preacher was talking.
Speaker:And I just heard this voice in my head again,
Speaker:I've heard for six years about overlust
Speaker:and how I've been really bad about it the past six years.
Speaker:It's been really big in my life, it's really bad,
Speaker:but I just heard this voice again that in the past,
Speaker:I thought it was just my own voice saying like,
Speaker:you'll be okay, you can keep doing it,
Speaker:no one's gonna know really,
Speaker:it's not hurting anyone right now or anything.
Speaker:But I just heard it again when he was talking,
Speaker:I was like, it can't be myself just talking,
Speaker:it's gotta be God or it's just something else
Speaker:other than me saying, this is not okay.
Speaker:So the preacher said, if you need to go pray
Speaker:with somebody you can.
Speaker:So I went to Cole to pray
Speaker:and he prayed a powerful prayer over me, man.
Speaker:And ever since then, it's just been so much easier,
Speaker:felt like this weight was lifted off me over lust
Speaker:and that I just don't have to worry about it
Speaker:that much anymore.
Speaker:I mean, I still pray about it obviously,
Speaker:so I don't fall into that trap again,
Speaker:but it's just so much easier now after that.
Speaker:And I feel like this weight slipped off my shoulder
Speaker:and everything's so much easier after that.
Speaker:Thank you.
Speaker:- Yeah, amen, give it up for the Lord.
Speaker:Our God is a God of freedom, amen.
Speaker:All right, next up we have my niece
Speaker:and your very own Lilly Mack.
Speaker:- I also wrote mine down, so bear with me.
Speaker:But God definitely moved in a mighty way at camp.
Speaker:And if you're there, you know what I'm talking about.
Speaker:I watched as many teams got set free from bondage
Speaker:and filled with the Holy Spirit
Speaker:as well as experience it for myself.
Speaker:We were taught what it means to be a citizen of heaven
Speaker:and how we're supposed to act in response to that calling.
Speaker:Everyone experienced camp in their own way,
Speaker:but these lessons really stuck out to me.
Speaker:As a citizen of heaven, we are supposed to know
Speaker:and believe God's truth.
Speaker:How are you supposed to know, let alone believe His truth,
Speaker:if you never take the time to sit down and study His word?
Speaker:Now, I knew what God said about me,
Speaker:but it was so easy for me to believe the lies of the enemy
Speaker:that said that I wasn't enough or that I was unforgivable.
Speaker:Camp taught us to run back to the Bible
Speaker:whenever the enemy would come and try to steal our peace.
Speaker:God's word is the greatest weapon that we have.
Speaker:I know that I'm enough because God says
Speaker:that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Speaker:And I know that I am forgiven because He says
Speaker:if we confess our sins, He's faithful and just
Speaker:to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
Speaker:from all unrighteousness.
Speaker:We have to be careful with what we choose to believe
Speaker:and make sure that it lines up with God's word
Speaker:before we choose to believe it as truth.
Speaker:Your identity can be found in the Bible.
Speaker:The next takeaway from camp was the power
Speaker:that the Holy Spirit has and how it can not only help you,
Speaker:but help others through you.
Speaker:In Acts 1a, it says, "You shall receive power
Speaker:whenever the Holy Spirit comes upon you."
Speaker:This power can be used in a multitude of different ways.
Speaker:But at camp, the Holy Spirit gave me the power of faith
Speaker:to believe that God will get me through any battle that I face,
Speaker:as long as I submit to His will.
Speaker:And I also received the gift of intercession for others.
Speaker:And I now have the urge, like no other,
Speaker:to go and pray for as many people as I can,
Speaker:even though it can be really intimidating.
Speaker:Because I've seen the way that God answers prayers.
Speaker:And He also calls us to humility.
Speaker:And I'm just so blessed that I got to experience
Speaker:God's power and authority at the Pursuit Camp 2024.
Speaker:And I'm excited to see the effects that
Speaker:is last on the kingdom.
Speaker:Awesome job.
Speaker:The Spirit and the Word work together.
Speaker:The scripture compares it to like a battle bowl of Ephraim.
Speaker:Pulls, he draws back his bow, and the arrow, the word of God,
Speaker:is sent out.
Speaker:OK, they work together.
Speaker:And when we believe that with all of our heart,
Speaker:that our foundation is in the Word,
Speaker:and the Spirit is the power that works through us,
Speaker:then God's unstoppable.
Speaker:I mean, regardless, in and throughout our lives.
Speaker:Good word, Lilly.
Speaker:Next up, Mr. Luke MacLeod.
Speaker:He shared with us his first service.
Speaker:I'm excited to hear what God's put on his heart for a second.
Speaker:Take it easy.
Speaker:I did not write anything down, so we're
Speaker:going to see how this goes.
Speaker:Before I start, I want to say that camp
Speaker:was such an incredible life change for me.
Speaker:I really just experienced God on a level
Speaker:that I never had before.
Speaker:But to follow that, I was not looking forward
Speaker:to camp this year.
Speaker:I had heard that there would be like 500 plus kids there.
Speaker:And I was just curious to how there
Speaker:was going to be like a real and good connection
Speaker:with the Holy Spirit there.
Speaker:And I just kind of started out with a bad mindset.
Speaker:So we get there, and it was just kind of all right.
Speaker:I was just going through it, and I
Speaker:got put in like a middle school cabin, which I was not
Speaker:happy about, but which turned out
Speaker:to be like such a big thing for me
Speaker:to mentor those younger people later on in the week.
Speaker:And I really believe that God just moved through that.
Speaker:But I was still not happy until we
Speaker:got to worship on the first night.
Speaker:And everybody just rushes the front,
Speaker:and they're in the altar, and everybody is just worshipping.
Speaker:And I feel like God touched me, and He made me feel and know
Speaker:that He was real.
Speaker:And that was like such a big word for me, this camp.
Speaker:That was just real.
Speaker:Like He is so present no matter what you're going through.
Speaker:And something I was thinking about this service
Speaker:is just like you don't have to be a camp to experience
Speaker:the Holy Spirit.
Speaker:Like everybody who went, what about this worship?
Speaker:Like God was in this room.
Speaker:Like the Holy Spirit of the Lord was like here.
Speaker:So one thing that I want to say just to everybody that
Speaker:was at camp and everyone in here,
Speaker:the way to keep a connection with God is to be in His word.
Speaker:You need to be reading the Bible diligently
Speaker:to be able to still know what He wants.
Speaker:And that's literally what He told people
Speaker:to write down for us.
Speaker:God, He's just--
Speaker:I don't know, it's insane to me like everything that
Speaker:was happening at this camp.
Speaker:Like there were so many people who gave their lives to God,
Speaker:and they're experiencing what I did.
Speaker:And I'm just so grateful for that.
Speaker:Camp this year was awesome.
Speaker:Yeah, that's all I got.
Speaker:Yeah, give it up.
Speaker:That's awesome.
Speaker:We serve a God that is not far from us.
Speaker:He is right next to us.
Speaker:He's as real as the air that we breathe,
Speaker:and we have access to Him.
Speaker:Next up, it's my pleasure to introduce Ms. Ximena Lindsey.
Speaker:Ximena has been helping out in youth for some time now.
Speaker:And she has been a prayer warrior on the front lines
Speaker:and also helping to really instill the word of God
Speaker:deeply into each one of these teams.
Speaker:She serves on Sunday morning upstairs at 9 o'clock
Speaker:and is committed and dedicated to this house, to these teams.
Speaker:And I'm just so thankful to have you along, Ximena.
Speaker:Thank you for sharing today.
Speaker:Thank you, James.
Speaker:I know you've been hearing a lot about camp this year,
Speaker:and it is everything that all of these teams said and then some.
Speaker:But I also want to bring up the fact
Speaker:that we do have a program here at Springhouse that
Speaker:goes year round.
Speaker:And our youth leaders are a team who
Speaker:are committed to being faithfully present
Speaker:in the lives of the teens here.
Speaker:And I would just like to take a second, if I could,
Speaker:to recognize our team members.
Speaker:If you serve on the youth leadership team,
Speaker:could I ask you to please stand for just a moment, Sandy
Speaker:and Taylor, Kaylin, Cole, Hannah.
Speaker:There are so many.
Speaker:Thank you so much.
Speaker:They pour into the lives of my own sons.
Speaker:My husband and I have three sons.
Speaker:And this year, my husband Ronnie also
Speaker:joined our youth leadership team.
Speaker:He's actually up at the soundboard in the back.
Speaker:So you can't see him right now, but he has also been a big part.
Speaker:And it's been kind of fun being a family in the youth program
Speaker:But I did want to at least share a little bit
Speaker:about what's been going on throughout our year.
Speaker:We did begin a youth Bible study almost two years ago now.
Speaker:And that has been such a blessing
Speaker:to be able to dig deeper into the Word.
Speaker:And as you heard from so many of the kids,
Speaker:camp was just a reinforcement that we need to keep digging.
Speaker:We need to keep learning more and more about Jesus.
Speaker:And the best way to do that is through His Word
Speaker:and by digging into the Bible.
Speaker:And that is one of my passions as one of the youth leaders
Speaker:We studied about prayer and its significance.
Speaker:We did a study on grace and what that means.
Speaker:Grace is a concept that I think that so many people
Speaker:in the Christian church might not
Speaker:have a full understanding about.
Speaker:And really, honestly, there are so many things about the Lord
Speaker:that blow the mind.
Speaker:But I think it also encourages us to dig deeper and learn more.
Speaker:And so when we studied grace, we actually
Speaker:worked a lot from the definition that Wayne Barry used
Speaker:in his book, Ponderings.
Speaker:And I'm going to read that for you.
Speaker:It's, "Grace is the unmerited favor
Speaker:of God's empowering presence, enabling
Speaker:me to be who He created me to be in order to do
Speaker:what He has called me to do."
Speaker:So we worked from that this year in youth group.
Speaker:We also studied the Book of Acts.
Speaker:And we made it through the beginning of the book.
Speaker:And then we took it a little bit deeper the second half
Speaker:of the school year.
Speaker:That was also really inspiring.
Speaker:But let me tell you, once we got to camp,
Speaker:that has been just a real bedrock foundation
Speaker:for our kids.
Speaker:And it's been such a blessing, not just to them,
Speaker:but I'll admit to me as a leader,
Speaker:whenever I got back from camp, people would say, how was it?
Speaker:How was it?
Speaker:Aside from being exhausted, as you can imagine.
Speaker:But I learned so much.
Speaker:And I was so encouraged and so inspired
Speaker:by the younger generation who poured themselves into me
Speaker:as well.
Speaker:And that's been such a blessing.
Speaker:I do have to admit that my husband got back.
Speaker:He's been dragging all week.
Speaker:And I do have to say there's a special place in heaven
Speaker:for young men who stay in the junior high boys' dorm.
Speaker:So he and Doug Jones, they deserve extra accolades
Speaker:for that.
Speaker:But seriously, we do this because we're called.
Speaker:And we do it in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker:And as we close today's service, or this portion of it anyway,
Speaker:I do want to share this verse.
Speaker:And I've always told the kids that if you ever
Speaker:have a question for our leadership team,
Speaker:I'm always going to do two things.
Speaker:I'm going to encourage you to pray.
Speaker:And I'm going to point you back to the Word of God.
Speaker:And I'm going to point you back to the Word of God.
Speaker:And so this is what I pray that as we come back from camp
Speaker:and as we have this rich deposit that we're pouring out,
Speaker:I want to encourage you to do this.
Speaker:This is Luke chapter 11, starting with verse 9.
Speaker:"And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you.
Speaker:Seek, and you will find.
Speaker:Knock, and it will be opened to you.
Speaker:For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds.
Speaker:And to the one who knocks, it will be opened."
Speaker:Let me encourage you.
Speaker:Seek God.
Speaker:Seek Jesus.
Speaker:Look into His wonderful face.
Speaker:Thank you, Ximena.
Speaker:So it's great to hear their experiences.
Speaker:Here's the Word of the Lord to you all today.
Speaker:Our is is our is and our was was our was.
Speaker:He has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love,
Speaker:and a sound mind.
Speaker:He can set you free.
Speaker:Your identity is found in the Word of God.
Speaker:God is real, and dig deeper in the Word,
Speaker:and seek Jesus' face.
Speaker:Amen, church?
Speaker:Can we receive that today?
Speaker:Fabulous job, guys.
Speaker:Thank you so much.
Speaker:You guys are dismissed.
Speaker:He is such a great-- he's such a great God,
Speaker:and he is a comforter as well.
Speaker:Dana, would you join us on stage for just a moment here?
Speaker:I'm going to let Pastor James share just a smidge bit more
Speaker:as we close out this morning.
Speaker:Now, the scripture verse that we worked off of during camp
Speaker:is out of Philippians 1, verse 27.
Speaker:It says, "Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven,
Speaker:conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the good news
Speaker:about Christ.
Speaker:Then whether I come and see you again or only hear about you,
Speaker:I will know that you are standing together
Speaker:with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith,
Speaker:which is the good news."
Speaker:Friends, I'm here to tell you this morning
Speaker:that he is the good news.
Speaker:He has made the way, and he lives and breathes
Speaker:and works on our behalf.
Speaker:Now, it was everything that I could do to just come up here
Speaker:and stand before you this morning.
Speaker:Dana and I had found out that on July 4th of this year
Speaker:that we are expecting another baby.
Speaker:So we go in.
Speaker:We go into camp with this just mountaintop, high experience,
Speaker:like, "Can't get no better than this, Lord.
Speaker:God does these amazing, incredible feats
Speaker:and moves in lives like we've never seen, guys.
Speaker:It's been incredible."
Speaker:But we have an adversary,
Speaker:and the enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy.
Speaker:So we go the day that we get back from camp on Monday.
Speaker:We have an ultrasound plan, and it's our first one.
Speaker:And so we go to the doctor, and the words that we hear are,
Speaker:"We can't find a heartbeat."
Speaker:And I'm just praying, "Lord, this is your promise.
Speaker:God, this is what you have brought.
Speaker:How can it be?"
Speaker:And, guys, this week has been so tough for us.
Speaker:Our emotions have been up and down.
Speaker:We've been believing and trusting in God
Speaker:that he is gonna move
Speaker:and that when we go back on Tuesday for our next ultrasound,
Speaker:that there will be a heartbeat,
Speaker:that there will be a live baby in there.
Speaker:And then if there's not,
Speaker:then we have to be okay with trusting God,
Speaker:with saying that, "God, we're gonna still follow you
Speaker:and still believe you no matter what comes our way."
Speaker:And so this is real.
Speaker:This is -- I wanted full transparency this morning,
Speaker:and I know that we have a church family
Speaker:who believes wholeheartedly and prays on our behalf.
Speaker:And so you know now -- you know now,
Speaker:and we're just believing by faith
Speaker:that the Lord is gonna do something miraculous.
Speaker:Either way. Either way.
Speaker:Scripture says that in our weakness, he is made strong.
Speaker:And you guys are watching a living testimony of that
Speaker:this morning as James came and proclaimly --
Speaker:boldly proclaimed the gospel in front of you,
Speaker:having walked through this week
Speaker:and what they're walking through.
Speaker:The Word says also that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted.
Speaker:He's close to the brokenhearted.
Speaker:As we draw near to him, he draws near to us.
Speaker:And we also believe that if the answer is no,
Speaker:he is still sovereign, and he is still good.
Speaker:He's still sovereign, and he's still good.
Speaker:We're gonna pray for James and Dana,
Speaker:and then we're gonna go into another time of worship.
Speaker:Now, immediately following this gathering,
Speaker:there is a meeting for those who have kids
Speaker:moving into youth group upstairs.
Speaker:James and Dana, remember I said,
Speaker:love the Lord, faithful, and show up.
Speaker:They wanna serve with excellence.
Speaker:So I know that because many of you can empathize
Speaker:with where they are right now,
Speaker:you want to hug their neck, you wanna encourage them,
Speaker:that's appropriate.
Speaker:I'm gonna ask you to hold that.
Speaker:If I talk to James, hold that for right now.
Speaker:Pray, sow into prayer.
Speaker:Let's believe alongside with them, okay?
Speaker:And as the Lord leads you this week,
Speaker:you can reach out, call, encourage, all of those things.
Speaker:They wanna be ready to receive you guys
Speaker:for this meeting up here that they're gonna have, okay?
Speaker:And it's not gonna be helpful at this moment
Speaker:if everybody tries to hug their neck.
Speaker:They know you love them.
Speaker:They know that really, really well.
Speaker:So guys, stand and stretch your hands this morning.
Speaker:We're gonna pray for my brother,
Speaker:my best friend and his family.
Speaker:Father, right now I just ask that you would cover James
Speaker:and Dana, Father, and this baby.
Speaker:And Lord, we just ask, Lord, right now
Speaker:for a miraculous touch because we know you can do it.
Speaker:And Father, but above all of that,
Speaker:our hearts cry is that your will be done.
Speaker:And in the midst of that, Lord,
Speaker:that you would bring a comfort and a peace
Speaker:that passes all understanding.
Speaker:We believe, Lord, in you.
Speaker:We trust you.
Speaker:You're sovereign and you are good today and forevermore.
Speaker:In Jesus' name.
Speaker:And the church agrees and says amen, amen, amen.
Speaker:We're gonna worship together, guys.
Speaker:So let's lean in.
Speaker:Didn't the teens do a good job today?
Speaker:Let's hear it for the teens.
Speaker:(congregation applauding)
Speaker:Let's worship.
Speaker:Come on, Cole.
Speaker:(gentle music)
Speaker:[music fades out]