The Arrival of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts
Ever wondered about the different gifts of the Spirit? Dive into Part 1 of our series as Pastor Kevin explains their purpose and how they shape our lives.
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If you’re looking for a church in Smyrna, TN that is focused on Loving Big, Living Truth, and Healthy Family, we’d love to connect with you. We are home to a vibrant children’s ministry, powerful middle school and youth ministries, and incredible ministries for men and women of all ages. Our local and global outreaches include partnerships with missionaries in the US and abroad, Isaiah 117 House, local retirement communities, and more.
Additionally, we are home to Springhouse Theatre, an award-winning theatre in the Nashville area. Through the theatre, we serve both the greater Nashville theatre community, and thousands of patrons each year, and we are expanding our vision to impact the culture through the arts into additional mediums and through an expanding network of relationships.
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14119 Old Nashville Highway
Smyrna TN 37167
CCLI License 2070006
(upbeat music)
Speaker:- All right, I'm coming to preach from the floor
Speaker:this morning because I wanna spit on some people.
Speaker:And so that's why my table is down there.
Speaker:And I think I've got all the things.
Speaker:Look at somebody you don't like and say,
Speaker:I'm glad you're here.
Speaker:If you're joining us on live stream,
Speaker:I wish you were here this morning.
Speaker:I'm glad you're joining us.
Speaker:We're continuing our series on his word, his life,
Speaker:his church this morning.
Speaker:And we're in the section of his church and guess what?
Speaker:You are his church.
Speaker:And it is such a privilege to be a part of God's church.
Speaker:And you're a part of his church.
Speaker:And so what we've been doing over the last couple of weeks,
Speaker:and we're gonna continue today and next week,
Speaker:is we've kind of laid a framework for the Holy Spirit.
Speaker:We've been talking about the person of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker:And what we're gonna be doing between now and Advent,
Speaker:now and Christmas time,
Speaker:is we're going to be talking about the Holy Spirit's move
Speaker:through the book of Acts.
Speaker:And so I wanna encourage you,
Speaker:if you're not in a reading plan right now,
Speaker:I wanna encourage you, you might wanna read Acts,
Speaker:go through Acts and you'll keep up with this.
Speaker:We're basically gonna step through chapter by chapter
Speaker:and draw points from the book of Acts
Speaker:as it relates to the Holy Spirit
Speaker:and what the Holy Spirit did in the early church.
Speaker:Okay, so that's coming down the pike.
Speaker:But today we're gonna do,
Speaker:today's the first of a two-part message, okay?
Speaker:So next week will be part two.
Speaker:But today we're gonna talk about the Holy Spirit
Speaker:and the gifts that the Holy Spirit has available for us.
Speaker:So this is what I'm hoping is gonna happen.
Speaker:Now, Kevin, if I get in front of this and mess this up,
Speaker:it's not gonna happen the way it's supposed to,
Speaker:but hopefully it happens the way I'm intending
Speaker:for it to happen.
Speaker:So today what I wanna do is I wanna talk about
Speaker:what is the purpose of these gifts mentioned in Scripture?
Speaker:What are the purpose of the gifts that God gives us?
Speaker:A, and B, what is the barometer and the litmus test
Speaker:of a believer who's living their life by the Spirit?
Speaker:Okay, so those are the two things I wanna address today.
Speaker:And then next Sunday,
Speaker:we're actually gonna look at the gifts.
Speaker:We're gonna look at some of the gifts
Speaker:and we're gonna unpackage what the gifts look like
Speaker:and what they're about, okay?
Speaker:So this is part one of a two-part message.
Speaker:If I mess it up, go back and listen to last week's
Speaker:Wayne's message.
Speaker:He did a great job last week, didn't he?
Speaker:Person of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker:So I think that's everything I need to do to set this up.
Speaker:So we're gonna stand and read from 1 Corinthians.
Speaker:And I want you to read like you've had three espresso shots
Speaker:this morning.
Speaker:Here we go.
Speaker:Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters,
Speaker:I do not want you to be uninformed.
Speaker:You know that when you were pagans,
Speaker:somehow or other you were influenced
Speaker:and led astray to mute idols.
Speaker:Therefore, I want you to know that no one who is speaking
Speaker:by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed,"
Speaker:and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord,"
Speaker:except by the Holy Spirit.
Speaker:There are different kinds of gifts,
Speaker:but the same Spirit distributes them.
Speaker:There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
Speaker:There are different kinds of working,
Speaker:but in all of them and in everyone,
Speaker:it is the same God at work.
Speaker:Now to each one, the manifestation of the Spirit
Speaker:is given for the common good.
Speaker:To one, there is given through the Spirit
Speaker:a message of wisdom.
Speaker:To another, a message of knowledge
Speaker:by the means of the same Spirit.
Speaker:To another, faith by the same Spirit.
Speaker:To another, gifts of healing by that one Spirit.
Speaker:To another, miraculous powers.
Speaker:To another, prophecy.
Speaker:To another, distinguishing between spirits.
Speaker:To another, speaking in different kinds of tongues,
Speaker:and still to the another, the interpretation of tongues.
Speaker:All these are the work of one and the same Spirit,
Speaker:and He distributes them to each one just as He determines.
Speaker:Father, I thank you that your word is full, it is alive.
Speaker:I thank you, Lord, that we have access to you, God,
Speaker:and we wanna be a people that have everything
Speaker:you have to offer us.
Speaker:So Lord, would you impart it to us today in Jesus' name,
Speaker:amen, you may be seated.
Speaker:The Holy Spirit is the most important person on the planet.
Speaker:And the glorious part of that truth
Speaker:is that you and I have access to Him.
Speaker:You and I have access to the God who created the universe,
Speaker:who breathed stars, who knows you by name,
Speaker:who created you, who set things in motion.
Speaker:We have access to the same God
Speaker:who's gonna split the sky one day and bring us all home.
Speaker:We have access to Him right now.
Speaker:There are many religions on the planet.
Speaker:We are the only religion that can proclaim a God
Speaker:who is alive and active today who we have access to.
Speaker:That's incredible.
Speaker:That's incredible.
Speaker:And it's unique to the God we serve.
Speaker:I would rather serve a God who is alive
Speaker:than a God who is dead.
Speaker:Our God is alive.
Speaker:Our God is alive.
Speaker:Now, I love, I love, I love getting gifts.
Speaker:Anybody here like getting gifts?
Speaker:I like giving gifts, but probably more than getting gifts,
Speaker:I love to give gifts.
Speaker:That's actually more, now, my daughter Nora
Speaker:would not be in that same boat.
Speaker:She, you know, yesterday was Sadassa's birthday
Speaker:and Nora was talking all day
Speaker:about when she's getting gifts on her birthday.
Speaker:And so there are people who are receivers
Speaker:and they enjoy the receiving end of things
Speaker:and there are people who are givers.
Speaker:Hopefully most of us are at least somewhere in the middle
Speaker:and not just the one side of receiving,
Speaker:but you know, some of us maybe live there.
Speaker:But I enjoy giving gifts,
Speaker:but I used to be a really bad gift giver.
Speaker:I used to be a really, really bad gift giver
Speaker:because what I would do is I would look
Speaker:at somebody like Cornelius and say,
Speaker:"I wanna get you a gift."
Speaker:And I would go to the store
Speaker:and I picked the first thing I see and I would wrap it up.
Speaker:Didn't matter what it was.
Speaker:It's just the first thing I saw.
Speaker:Maybe it was something that just struck my eye or whatever,
Speaker:but it had no significant value to Cornelius
Speaker:or any rhyme or reason.
Speaker:I just picked it up and wrapped it up.
Speaker:And the thing that I would do that's so interesting
Speaker:is I would get a gift and I would wrap it
Speaker:in the most expensive wrapping paper I could find,
Speaker:the most expensive bow, the most expensive bag.
Speaker:And so when you got this gift, you thought,
Speaker:whoa, this is something pretty awesome probably in here
Speaker:because of the way it looks
Speaker:on the, with the wrapping paper or whatever.
Speaker:And then the person would open it and I go,
Speaker:and they would, okay, great.
Speaker:And then it'd be regifted next Christmas.
Speaker:So, but I was really a bad gift giver,
Speaker:but I would always wrap the gifts really nice.
Speaker:Some of us are so concerned about what things look like
Speaker:on the outside that we don't pay attention
Speaker:to what we're putting on in the inside.
Speaker:And I want you to know that what's happening on the inside
Speaker:is much more significant
Speaker:than what's happening on the outside.
Speaker:In fact, I would say what's happening on the inside
Speaker:should overflow onto what's happening on the outside.
Speaker:But we are good at creating facades.
Speaker:We are good at masking what's really going on on the inside.
Speaker:And the Holy Spirit wants to get in
Speaker:and make true what's happening on the inside,
Speaker:what you're trying to project on the outside.
Speaker:And he can do that.
Speaker:And he wants to do that.
Speaker:But I used to give gifts, bad gift giver,
Speaker:but now I've evolved into,
Speaker:I've evolved into I think a pretty good gift giver.
Speaker:And that's because I know I put some thought
Speaker:into what I give,
Speaker:but I don't really like to give too many times
Speaker:tangible gifts.
Speaker:The gifts I enjoy giving are gifts of experience.
Speaker:Gifts of experience.
Speaker:If I could take you somewhere to experience something
Speaker:that you can connect a memory to,
Speaker:there's longevity in that gift.
Speaker:And I really enjoy giving those types of gifts.
Speaker:Paul's writing here to the Corinthians
Speaker:and he's going to list these gifts
Speaker:that we're actually gonna talk about next week.
Speaker:But he's listing these gifts.
Speaker:And in this portion of scripture, he says this.
Speaker:He says, "I don't want you to be uninformed."
Speaker:And the reason that he's saying this is he's saying,
Speaker:"Hey, look, there's an aspect to God here
Speaker:that you have access to.
Speaker:There's an aspect to the Holy Spirit
Speaker:that you have access to.
Speaker:There are these gifts that you have access to.
Speaker:And I want you to be well-informed about these gifts
Speaker:and what they're about and how they are to be used."
Speaker:And he doesn't want, and church, I'm telling you today,
Speaker:I don't want us to be uninformed about these gifts
Speaker:and what they are for and who they're for
Speaker:and all of those things.
Speaker:And so that's why we're taking time to do this.
Speaker:Now here's the dangerous thing.
Speaker:Here's the dangerous thing.
Speaker:We get sometimes attached to the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Speaker:and the glitz and the woo-hoo and the wow
Speaker:of some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Speaker:that sometimes we will take a left flank
Speaker:and we will start chasing after the gifts
Speaker:instead of the gift giver.
Speaker:That's a problem.
Speaker:That's a problem.
Speaker:We never wanna be a people who are after the things of God
Speaker:more so than we are after God himself, God himself.
Speaker:And so I believe that this portion of scripture
Speaker:is designed to tell the Corinthians,
Speaker:to explain to us that there are some powerful gifts
Speaker:available to us if we will lean into them.
Speaker:And guess what?
Speaker:Every one of you, I believe have some type of gift
Speaker:opportunity available to you.
Speaker:Some of you multiple gifts, but every one of you have gifts.
Speaker:He told them in Acts, he said, "Listen, I want you
Speaker:to stay here and wait on the Holy Spirit.
Speaker:Do not leave Jerusalem without my power to go forth
Speaker:and spread my gospel to all the ends of the earth."
Speaker:Well, guess what?
Speaker:The Lord doesn't want you leaving your house
Speaker:without his power.
Speaker:He doesn't want you leaving your sphere of,
Speaker:going into your sphere of influence without his power.
Speaker:And he's got some real incredible, unique things
Speaker:available for us to tap into if we'll lean into them.
Speaker:So we don't wanna be uninformed.
Speaker:We don't wanna just grab a gift.
Speaker:Have you ever been given something and you decided to use it
Speaker:but you didn't read the instructions?
Speaker:(congregation laughing)
Speaker:Everybody, anybody try to build something
Speaker:and you had some extra screws left over?
Speaker:Well, it doesn't matter, it's held together, right?
Speaker:No, we're being given some instructions
Speaker:so that we're not misusing the gifts that we've been given.
Speaker:There's some real instructions on how the gifts
Speaker:are to be used.
Speaker:And again, next week we're gonna unpackage
Speaker:that a little bit more, but this is important.
Speaker:This is important.
Speaker:And I want us to understand, and I'm gonna read
Speaker:quite a bit of scripture today, but I want us to understand
Speaker:that even before these gifts of the Holy Spirit
Speaker:are talked about by Paul, I want us to understand
Speaker:that Jesus too also conferred gifts.
Speaker:He also conferred gifts.
Speaker:Let's look over at, we're gonna go to Ephesians chapter four.
Speaker:If you have your Bibles, a Bible is a good thing
Speaker:to bring to church.
Speaker:(congregation laughing)
Speaker:Kinda like when you bring an umbrella when it rains.
Speaker:A Bible goes with church, yeah.
Speaker:Chapter four of Ephesians.
Speaker:There is one body and one spirit.
Speaker:Can you say that?
Speaker:There is one body and one spirit.
Speaker:Just as you were called to one hope when called
Speaker:one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father
Speaker:of us all who is over all and through all and in all.
Speaker:Yet grace, say grace.
Speaker:Yet grace was given to each one of us
Speaker:in proportion to the measure of Christ's gifts.
Speaker:Skipping to verse 11.
Speaker:And he himself, he being Jesus himself,
Speaker:appointed such as apostles, some as prophets,
Speaker:some as evangelists, some as pastors and teachers
Speaker:to fully equip and perfect the saints
Speaker:for works of service to build up the body of Christ
Speaker:until we all reach oneness in faith
Speaker:and in the knowledge of the Son of God
Speaker:to become a mature believer reaching to the measure
Speaker:of the fullness of Christ.
Speaker:So here we see that Jesus Christ himself
Speaker:gave very special grace gifts,
Speaker:but his gifts were in the form of offices
Speaker:or forms of people.
Speaker:And these are what they are.
Speaker:Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
Speaker:These are gifts, these are grace positions,
Speaker:graced people, graced gifts that are bestowed
Speaker:from Jesus Christ to people.
Speaker:So Jesus gives gifts in the form of people.
Speaker:The Holy Spirit gives gifts in the form of function.
Speaker:Okay, are you with me?
Speaker:Jesus gifts in the form of people,
Speaker:Holy Spirit in the form of function.
Speaker:For instance, the prophets,
Speaker:the prophet would be the gift from Jesus.
Speaker:This is the office of the prophet, okay?
Speaker:The prophet would render or bestow the gift of prophecy,
Speaker:the function of prophecy.
Speaker:Are you with me, okay?
Speaker:Now, when Jesus was saying this,
Speaker:when Jesus created these offices
Speaker:that we refer to the fivefold ministry,
Speaker:when we look at this, it says that,
Speaker:how long do we need to keep these going?
Speaker:Well, it says until we all look like Christ.
Speaker:So I want you to look at your neighbor and say,
Speaker:you don't look like Christ yet.
Speaker:So until we look like Christ,
Speaker:these are still in operation, yes?
Speaker:These are still in operation, okay?
Speaker:So these are special grace gifts
Speaker:given from Jesus, created by Jesus,
Speaker:so that the Holy Spirit can through them
Speaker:use the function of the gifts
Speaker:that the Holy Spirit has to offer.
Speaker:So now let's go to Romans chapter 12.
Speaker:Romans chapter 12 says this.
Speaker:"Therefore," Paul's speaking to the Romans,
Speaker:"I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God,
Speaker:"to present your bodies as a living sacrifice,
Speaker:"holy and well pleasing to God,
Speaker:"which is your rational act of worship.
Speaker:"Do not be conformed to this world,
Speaker:"but be transformed and progressively changed
Speaker:"by the renewing of your mind,
Speaker:"so that you may prove what the will of God is,
Speaker:"that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Speaker:"For by grace," say grace.
Speaker:- Grace.
Speaker:- "For by grace given to me, I say to every one of you,
Speaker:"not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think,
Speaker:"but to think so as to have sound judgment
Speaker:"as God apportioned to each a degree of faith.
Speaker:"For just as in one body we have many parts,
Speaker:"and these parts do not all have the same function
Speaker:"or special use, so we who are many
Speaker:"are one body in Christ and individually parts
Speaker:"of one another and dependent on one another."
Speaker:Listen to this.
Speaker:"Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace,"
Speaker:say grace.
Speaker:- Grace.
Speaker:- "Grace given to us,
Speaker:"each of us is to use them accordingly.
Speaker:"If prophecy, let it be used in proportion
Speaker:"to the faith possessed.
Speaker:"If service in the act of serving,
Speaker:"if he teaches in the act of teaching,
Speaker:"he who encourages in the act of encouragement,
Speaker:"he who gives with generosity,
Speaker:"he who leads with diligence,
Speaker:"he who shows mercy with cheerfulness."
Speaker:Okay, so what I want us to understand here,
Speaker:what I want us to understand here
Speaker:is that Jesus Christ appointed these positions
Speaker:as special grace gifts, okay, special grace gifts.
Speaker:So he's equipped these people with grace
Speaker:to give grace gifts to those that they are leading.
Speaker:And what kind of gifts is he giving?
Speaker:He's giving the gifts of prophecy,
Speaker:he's giving the gifts, a gift of wisdom.
Speaker:But there are more grace gifts than just the ones
Speaker:that we are used to in 1 Corinthians 12.
Speaker:This is what I wanna get at.
Speaker:There are so many people
Speaker:that have walked with the Holy Spirit,
Speaker:that have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
Speaker:and you feel like you have been left out
Speaker:because you are not up here laying hands on people
Speaker:and manifesting some type of out-of-body experience
Speaker:for somebody to be healed,
Speaker:but you have been given the supernatural gift of mercy.
Speaker:You have been given the supernatural gift of service.
Speaker:You've been given the supernatural.
Speaker:Hal Laughlin is one of the best administrators
Speaker:on the planet Earth.
Speaker:It's not because Hal's awesome.
Speaker:Hal is awesome, but it's not because he's awesome.
Speaker:It's because he's got a supernatural gift inside him
Speaker:that the Lord has given,
Speaker:and he's using it to serve the body.
Speaker:Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
Speaker:Wade Hutchinson has a gift of hospitality.
Speaker:There's, it pales in comparison,
Speaker:the way that, I mean, Wade serves
Speaker:in the area of hospitality.
Speaker:There is a supernatural gift
Speaker:that he has in the area of hospitality.
Speaker:What I want you to understand, saints,
Speaker:is that whether you are a doctor, a nurse, a teacher,
Speaker:a mechanic, whatever you are,
Speaker:when you have asked Jesus Christ in your heart
Speaker:and you have the Holy Spirit,
Speaker:he has given you every tool that you need,
Speaker:and he has given you a special gift
Speaker:and a special assignment to use
Speaker:for the glory of his kingdom,
Speaker:for the advancement of his kingdom.
Speaker:Nobody is left out.
Speaker:In other words, I believe everyone in here has a superpower.
Speaker:Everyone in here has something that they can lean into,
Speaker:that you can gravitate to.
Speaker:Now, you might not know what that is.
Speaker:And part of being a part of a community of believers
Speaker:is somebody to call out and say,
Speaker:I see this gift inside you.
Speaker:I see the Lord operating in this way inside you.
Speaker:So what I want us to understand,
Speaker:and the reason I'm starting here,
Speaker:is I want us to understand that everyone's gift
Speaker:is not going to be the same, A.
Speaker:And B, just because you're not down here
Speaker:performing what seems to be fireworks in the altar space
Speaker:doesn't mean that your gift is any less of value
Speaker:than the person who's doing those things.
Speaker:Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
Speaker:You have a gift.
Speaker:God wants to use you in your gift.
Speaker:He's given you, some of you have multiple gifts,
Speaker:multiple things, and the word of God says
Speaker:that God's gifts in his call are irrevocable.
Speaker:You know what that means?
Speaker:That means if you decide to go slide into the mud pit,
Speaker:you decide to get in your flesh,
Speaker:you decide to get away from the Lord, and you come back,
Speaker:God doesn't just snatch his gift and say,
Speaker:well, you messed that up.
Speaker:His gift is waiting right there for you
Speaker:whenever you return.
Speaker:He is such a gracious God.
Speaker:He is such a gracious God.
Speaker:God never intended for the apostles, prophets,
Speaker:evangelists, pastors, and teachers to do all of the work.
Speaker:He intended for this group to equip the body
Speaker:for acts of service so that you as the body
Speaker:are edifying the body.
Speaker:You are, your job is to edify the body.
Speaker:You have a gift inside you that is supposed to encourage,
Speaker:it's supposed to edify, it's supposed to build up
Speaker:so that whenever you're doing life on a Tuesday afternoon
Speaker:or a Wednesday night or a Thursday,
Speaker:and somebody comes along your path,
Speaker:guess what, I have the gift of prophecy.
Speaker:The Lord's given me a word,
Speaker:or the Lord has given me some gift of discernment
Speaker:or wisdom or knowledge.
Speaker:And you use that gift to edify the body of Christ
Speaker:so that Jesus Christ can be exalted.
Speaker:So that Jesus Christ can be exalted.
Speaker:The grace gifts in your lives are there to equip you
Speaker:to build each other up.
Speaker:And the gift of the Spirit,
Speaker:the gifts of the Spirit edify,
Speaker:edify is just a fancy word for build up.
Speaker:They edify the body of Christ, the body of Christ.
Speaker:Okay, I said I like giving gifts.
Speaker:Who likes receiving gifts?
Speaker:Anybody like receiving gifts?
Speaker:I bought some gifts today.
Speaker:I would like to hand some of these gifts out
Speaker:to a few chosen individuals.
Speaker:(congregation laughing)
Speaker:- Oh, okay.
Speaker:- Few chosen individuals, okay?
Speaker:So I think I'm going to give Daniel one.
Speaker:(audience applauding)
Speaker:Let's see here.
Speaker:I'm gonna give, look at people smiling at me real big.
Speaker:Like, "Choose me, choose me."
Speaker:See, show me the view one.
Speaker:Let's see, live stream people hate this,
Speaker:the camera people, because I'm like,
Speaker:they have no idea where I'm going
Speaker:and they have to follow me with the camera.
Speaker:Let's see back here.
Speaker:I don't even know if you can turn the camera.
Speaker:Carrie, man, I've been wanting to give you a gift
Speaker:all morning, there you go, buddy, okay?
Speaker:Here you go, who else?
Speaker:Who else do I want to give a gift to?
Speaker:Here, right here.
Speaker:- Zach's birthday.
Speaker:- Is it Zach's birthday?
Speaker:Is it your birthday?
Speaker:Happy birthday, I'm not giving you a gift.
Speaker:(congregation laughing)
Speaker:Let's see, it's because it's not even,
Speaker:I gotta get over here.
Speaker:Let's see, I'm gonna give you a gift.
Speaker:All right, let's see here.
Speaker:Ted, it's a gift, buddy, come get this gift.
Speaker:Can you pass that down there?
Speaker:Don't steal it, okay.
Speaker:Here, I'm gonna put a gift right over here, okay.
Speaker:If you received a gift from me, would you please stand?
Speaker:- Uh-oh.
Speaker:- Okay, can you see the people around the room?
Speaker:Now, if you received a gift from me,
Speaker:I have chosen you and you and you and you and you and you
Speaker:to give gifts to.
Speaker:Would you open your gift, please,
Speaker:and hold your gift in the air?
Speaker:Chocolate, we're about to have church, people.
Speaker:Okay, hold it up, hold up your gift.
Speaker:Okay, I want you to notice something.
Speaker:I handed out seven gifts to seven individuals.
Speaker:They're all chocolate, but they're all different gifts.
Speaker:You with me?
Speaker:They're all chocolate,
Speaker:but they're all different brands of chocolate.
Speaker:Are you with me, okay?
Speaker:Now, you have a gift in your hand
Speaker:and you're holding it in the air.
Speaker:Be kind of silly just to walk around
Speaker:holding your gift up in the air, right?
Speaker:Just hold it around, all right?
Speaker:But you know what, you have an option to do
Speaker:with what you're gonna do with the gift.
Speaker:You could put it back in the package
Speaker:and put it under your chair.
Speaker:You could throw it in the trash can on the way out.
Speaker:You could put it in your car in the 100 degree weather
Speaker:and let it melt.
Speaker:You could say, man, forget this message.
Speaker:I'm just gonna eat all this chocolate right now.
Speaker:There's a lot you could do with this chocolate.
Speaker:It's a gift that's been given to you,
Speaker:and I'm not gonna take it back
Speaker:because I've given you the gift.
Speaker:It is your gift.
Speaker:It's your gift.
Speaker:I've given it to you, okay?
Speaker:Now, I want you to open your gift,
Speaker:and I would like you to distribute
Speaker:as much as you're willing to distribute of your gift
Speaker:to the people around you.
Speaker:(audience chattering)
Speaker:Just as much as you are willing to distribute.
Speaker:(audience chattering)
Speaker:Okay, my seven people who are handing out the gift.
Speaker:Look at me, if you're one of the seven people
Speaker:who are handing out the gift,
Speaker:how does it feel to distribute gifts right now?
Speaker:How's it feel?
Speaker:Kerry, how's it feel?
Speaker:Feel pretty good?
Speaker:Feel pretty good?
Speaker:If you're one of the people who received a gift,
Speaker:I want you to stand up.
Speaker:(audience chattering)
Speaker:Okay, now I want you to look around the church.
Speaker:I want you to look around the church.
Speaker:There are many more people standing.
Speaker:There are many more people standing
Speaker:than the original seven who were bestowed the gift.
Speaker:Because the people with the original gift
Speaker:understood something, that they were to take what they had
Speaker:and to distribute it amongst the body.
Speaker:And once they distribute it amongst the body,
Speaker:look who's being built up, look who's being edified.
Speaker:I'll tell you what, the minute I said,
Speaker:let's give those out smiles all across the room.
Speaker:People so excited, I might be the one who's chosen.
Speaker:Now, if you're still sitting, it's because you are sinful
Speaker:and you need to get your life together.
Speaker:No, I'm kidding.
Speaker:I'm kidding, listen.
Speaker:So listen, listen, listen.
Speaker:Listen, imagine, guys, go with me.
Speaker:All of you have a package of candy
Speaker:that have 10 bars in it and if everyone is handing out,
Speaker:not only does everyone get edified,
Speaker:but there's abundance in the house.
Speaker:Do you understand that God wants to use his gifts
Speaker:to edify his body to build us up?
Speaker:That's your job.
Speaker:We're supposed to be doing this with one another every day
Speaker:all the time, all the time.
Speaker:We should be building each other up.
Speaker:We should be experiencing this type of joy.
Speaker:Now, here's another question, ready?
Speaker:Who gave you the gift?
Speaker:If you were one of the original seven, raise your hand.
Speaker:Okay, here's the danger.
Speaker:The danger is when we say, Ted, thank you for this candy
Speaker:and Ted says, you're so welcome.
Speaker:I did such a great thing by giving you that candy.
Speaker:I am the provider of this candy.
Speaker:Look at me, I'm gonna go get some more candy
Speaker:so that everybody can look at me
Speaker:and I'm gonna get a business card that says I'm a prophet
Speaker:and hand it to people and say, call me for 19.95.
Speaker:Okay, I'm being just a little facetious.
Speaker:Listen, listen.
Speaker:It is so easy because we are flesh
Speaker:to get in a posture of either A, putting the spotlight on us
Speaker:when we're the one the Lord is using
Speaker:or for everybody else to begin to look and praise
Speaker:and elevate you because you're the one with the goods.
Speaker:You're the one with the, and so it's so important.
Speaker:There is a story in the book of Acts, you may be seated.
Speaker:There's a story in the book of Acts chapter 14.
Speaker:Paul and Barnabas, they go to Lystra and they heal a man
Speaker:and then they healed this man and all of the people
Speaker:begin to worship Paul and Barnabas.
Speaker:How easy would it be to stand up and be worshiped?
Speaker:Isn't that one of the fatal sin of man to be lifted,
Speaker:that we would be acknowledged, that we would be lifted up?
Speaker:So as you are conferring these gifts,
Speaker:it is super important that you are giving
Speaker:the acknowledgement to God.
Speaker:In this instance, when somebody says,
Speaker:Daniel, thank you for this chocolate,
Speaker:the appropriate response would be, you're welcome.
Speaker:Kevin is the one who originated it.
Speaker:He's the one that needs to get the praise
Speaker:because none of you had chocolate before I came into the room.
Speaker:Do you understand what I'm saying?
Speaker:Okay, so God's saying, none of you have
Speaker:the gifts you think you have without me.
Speaker:So I'm the one who needs to be acknowledged.
Speaker:I'm the one who needs to have the gratitude bestowed.
Speaker:And so when God does something, you get out of the way
Speaker:and you make sure that it exemplifies Christ,
Speaker:that it exemplifies Christ.
Speaker:Now, what is the barometer of a person
Speaker:who is living life by the Spirit?
Speaker:What is the barometer?
Speaker:It is not the gifts that you possess.
Speaker:I said earlier that I like to give gifts of experience.
Speaker:Do you know, there have been people that I have lavished,
Speaker:I say such humility, truly, truly.
Speaker:I have given above and beyond gift to individuals.
Speaker:And when it gets just so far away
Speaker:from whatever that gift is or that time, it's forgotten.
Speaker:The gifts pass away.
Speaker:The gifts pass away.
Speaker:The litmus test of whether or not you're living
Speaker:by the Spirit is the fruit of the Spirit.
Speaker:The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
Speaker:patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Speaker:gentleness, and self-control.
Speaker:The gifts are not the indicator
Speaker:that you are walking by the Spirit.
Speaker:I'm gonna say something that's a bit
Speaker:of a hasty generalization, but I'm gonna say it, okay?
Speaker:Here's the deal.
Speaker:I cannot stand, okay?
Speaker:Believers who lay their hands on people to heal them,
Speaker:speak in all sorts of tongues, swing from the chandeliers,
Speaker:jump up and down in a praise worship concert,
Speaker:but then go out those doors
Speaker:and they are the unkindest, ugliest people
Speaker:who don't, aren't considerate, selfish,
Speaker:self-seeking, all of those things.
Speaker:But boy, they can come in here and jump up high
Speaker:and raise their hands and shout to the ceilings about Jesus,
Speaker:but when they're out there modeling it,
Speaker:they have none of this going on in their life.
Speaker:The litmus test of your life
Speaker:of whether you're living by the Spirit is this right here.
Speaker:And this is what we are trying to achieve.
Speaker:This is the baseline, this is the framework
Speaker:that says that person's living by the Spirit.
Speaker:Give me somebody like this,
Speaker:I'll receive from them all day long.
Speaker:I'll be happy to receive from them all day long.
Speaker:Here's the thing.
Speaker:The gifts of the Spirit are temporary.
Speaker:The fruit of the Spirit is everlasting.
Speaker:When it comes to prophecy,
Speaker:prophets gonna come prophesy and it's gonna be,
Speaker:it's gonna pass.
Speaker:The wisdom that you asked for, it's going to pass.
Speaker:All of these moments and these gifts, they're going to pass,
Speaker:but the fruit of the Spirit is everlasting.
Speaker:And that is what we wanna lean into.
Speaker:I wanna read this.
Speaker:I wanna read this to you.
Speaker:This is a very familiar passage,
Speaker:a very familiar passage of scripture,
Speaker:but if you're anything like me,
Speaker:sometimes the most familiar things I need to be reminded of
Speaker:over and over and over again.
Speaker:I want us to pay attention with our hearts this morning
Speaker:as I read this scripture that follows this passage.
Speaker:You know that you can't take scripture
Speaker:and just pull a section out and say,
Speaker:I'm gonna run with it over here.
Speaker:The scripture is the whole piece.
Speaker:It's the whole picture.
Speaker:Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12, all about these gifts.
Speaker:And then he has something very important to say
Speaker:in chapter 13.
Speaker:So here we go.
Speaker:If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels,
Speaker:but I do not have love,
Speaker:I'm only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
Speaker:If I have the gift of prophecy
Speaker:and can fathom all the mysteries and all knowledge,
Speaker:and if I have a faith that can move mountains,
Speaker:but I do not have love, I am nothing.
Speaker:If I give all I possess to the poor
Speaker:and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,
Speaker:but I do not have love, I gain nothing.
Speaker:Love is patient.
Speaker:Love is kind.
Speaker:It does not envy.
Speaker:It does not boast.
Speaker:It is not proud.
Speaker:It does not dishonor others.
Speaker:It is not self-seeking.
Speaker:It is not easily angered.
Speaker:It keeps no record of wrongs.
Speaker:Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with truth.
Speaker:It always protects, always trusts, always hopes,
Speaker:always purse of ears.
Speaker:Love never fails.
Speaker:But where there are prophecies, they will cease.
Speaker:Where there are tongues, they'll be stilled.
Speaker:Where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
Speaker:For we know in part and we prophesy in part,
Speaker:but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.
Speaker:When I was a child, I talked like a child.
Speaker:I thought like a child.
Speaker:I reasoned like a child.
Speaker:When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
Speaker:For now we see only reflection as in a mirror.
Speaker:Then we will see face to face.
Speaker:Now I know in part.
Speaker:Then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
Speaker:And then he ends with this.
Speaker:And now these three things remain faith, hope, and love.
Speaker:But the greatest of these is love.
Speaker:Why is love the greatest?
Speaker:Because faith and hope are gonna come to completion
Speaker:when we meet him in his faith, in the fullness of his love.
Speaker:Faith, hope, and love remain.
Speaker:Not the gifts, not the woo-hoo, not the thing.
Speaker:It's wonderful.
Speaker:It's a great, wonderful thing.
Speaker:When we had the birthday party yesterday,
Speaker:two days ago for Hadassah, when people are giving her gifts,
Speaker:what's the first thing a parent says to their child
Speaker:when somebody gives them the gift?
Speaker:Make sure you, make sure you say thank you.
Speaker:Because I don't want the gift to supersede the gift giver.
Speaker:Nor should it be with us in our lives.
Speaker:He is a good God.
Speaker:So church, I do not want us to be uninformed.
Speaker:Not just about what the gifts are,
Speaker:but the purpose of the gifts,
Speaker:so that we may use them to edify each other
Speaker:and build the body of Christ.
Speaker:The gifts are important, but they are never as important
Speaker:as the one who gives them.
Speaker:I give gifts, they get forgotten, I get forgotten.
Speaker:So what?
Speaker:He's the gift giver.
Speaker:He's the one that we remember.
Speaker:All of this to say that the primary job of the Holy Spirit
Speaker:is to point people to Jesus Christ.
Speaker:And so the gifts that he gifts,
Speaker:that we would be pointed to Christ Jesus.
Speaker:Would you stand with me this morning
Speaker:with those who are gonna pray with people, come forward?
Speaker:We have been given a mighty, mighty gift in the Holy Spirit.
Speaker:And some of you this morning, I'm sure came with all sorts
Speaker:of things going on in your life that you need a touch
Speaker:from this mighty God.
Speaker:And guess what?
Speaker:He wants to meet you.
Speaker:This is so cool.
Speaker:He wants to meet you.
Speaker:And I hope that you do come and you agree with somebody
Speaker:in prayer 'cause in a gathering like this,
Speaker:the Holy Spirit does convict and he does speak
Speaker:to your heart.
Speaker:But can I just encourage you,
Speaker:the same Holy Spirit that's here right now at 11 45,
Speaker:this morning is the same Holy Spirit
Speaker:that you have access to on Monday morning,
Speaker:on Tuesday night, on Wednesday afternoon, on Thursday,
Speaker:you do not have to wait to get into this setting
Speaker:to get things right with the Lord.
Speaker:That's a lie.
Speaker:He loves you.
Speaker:He wants to do life with you.
Speaker:He wants to communicate with you.
Speaker:So let us be people who lean in to this God
Speaker:with every waking hour.
Speaker:If you have a need, come and pray as we worship.