Jesus: Friend of Sinners
Do you want to be like Jesus? If so, as Pastor Kevin explains, it’s important to embrace empathy and find ways to show his grace and love boldly because it’s His kindness that leads us to repentance.
Scriptures Referenced
1 Samuel 18:1-3; Psalm 16:6; Proverbs 16:28, 27:9; Ecclesiastes 4:10; Luke 15:1-7; John 15:13; Romans 2:4, 3:23, 12:10; Ephesians 4:29; Philippians 2:3; Colossians 3:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Prayer Targets
Please join us in prayer for:
- A hunger for the Word.
- Tears for the lost.
- Answered prayers and shared testimonies.
About Springhouse
If you’re looking for a church in Smyrna, TN that is focused on Loving Big, Living Truth, and Healthy Family, we’d love to connect with you. We are home to a vibrant children’s ministry, powerful middle school and youth ministries, and incredible ministries for men and women of all ages. Our local and global outreaches include partnerships with missionaries in the US and abroad, Isaiah 117 House, local retirement communities, and more.
Additionally, we are home to Springhouse Theatre, an award-winning theatre in the Nashville area. Through the theatre, we serve both the greater Nashville theatre community, and thousands of patrons each year, and we are expanding our vision to impact the culture through the arts into additional mediums and through an expanding network of relationships.
We would love it if you would consider joining us in person for one of our Sunday gatherings.
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- Giving: Online tithes and offerings
- Join us online: Livestream
- Our website: SpringhouseSmyrna.com
- Connect online: Download our app
Gathering Times
- Sundays, 9:00 AM
- Sundays, 10:30 AM
Contact Info
Springhouse Church
14119 Old Nashville Highway
Smyrna TN 37167
CCLI License 2070006
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: 6 to 8 is what I'm being told to say. 6 to 8 is all access
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: conference, which I'm probably going to say it again in a second because I think
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: it's my first slide. Oh, this is my slide. Hey guys, we have a conference
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: coming up. It's Church 7th through 10th and I hear that the kids are
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the teens and the youth and the kids are going to have some
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: fun things planned during that time as well so you need to make
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a plan to be there. I don't think you'll regret it, okay? Are you glad
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to be in the house of the Lord this morning? It is a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: good pray. It is a good day. If you're joining us on
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: livestream, thank you for joining us. Hey, in conjunction to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: our conference, we also have this thing called the Business Collective that we are launching
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: here at Spring House. If you are a leader, a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: manager, an owner of a business,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Spirit leader, would you raise your hand? Leader, owner,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: manager, Okay, lots of you in the room, okay? This is for you, this is
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: for you. We would like you to sign up for this. Pastor Justin, as well
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: as Josh McLeod are going to team up and they're going to be leading this
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: business collective on this particular day. We're God to free breakfast and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: giveaways and giveaways. Yes, pray, okay,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: giveaways and stuff and yeah, it's going to be it's going to be great.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Just an opportunity to connect with other business leaders and talk about how you can
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: advance the kingdom within your business and your leadership principles. So,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: come and be a part of that on that Saturday morning of the conference.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Also, I've not actually been up the last, well, that's not
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: true. I just spoke long the 1st week, and the 2nd week, I didn't get
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a chance to say this because I was out of town last week, but we
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: are in the middle of Lent and how many has anybody taken part in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: looking at the Lent devotional videos? Okay, good. Okay, so you found
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: those on our app. We are in the middle of Lent and our kids and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: youth department have taken over those videos and man,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: I tell you what, never negate the Holy Spirit's
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: power to speak through the kids and through the youth. They're
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a minute and a half to 5 minutes long. Every day there's a video posted
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: except for on Sunday, so go on the app and you can go back and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: watch them respectively, but you definitely want to be in that routine. I would encourage
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you to do that as part of your journey through Lent, okay? And
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: then also Pastor Justin started a series on Thursday from
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: 6 to 7 in here, called Lessons from the Table. And
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: I was actually with the youth this last week, but I watched it online and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: it's powerful. You want to be a part of that gathering
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and, you can go back and catch the last one online, but come and be
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a part of our midweek gathering, 6 to 7, as we, as
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: this also prepares us for Theater, okay? Lots of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: opportunity theatre. And then of course, no better preparation than a daily active
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: relationship with the word of God. Spring House Church, do we believe in the word
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of God? Do we believe that it is true? Do we believe it's
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: alive and active? We need to be in it daily, daily,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: okay? This is our reading plan for this year. If you need this resource, it's
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: available online or on our app as well. So we are in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a series through the entire year, we are talking
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: about His word, we've already talked about His word, we're talking about His
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: life right now, and then after Theater, we're going to be talking about His church
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: for the remainder of the year, and I have been just learning
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and growing so much about Jesus' life and looking at Jesus'
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: character and what He said and what He did, and I hope that you have
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: also been gleaning some of the instruction from the word about watching
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Jesus and how his life, how he modeled his life. And so
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the 1st week of the series, we talked about that Jesus was always about
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: His Father's business. So, and what is the Father's business? God is in the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: business of loving people. God is in the business of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: loving people, and so the 1st week we talked about that we
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: ought to be also about the Father's business, which is also
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: loving, loving people. In week 2 we talked about selfless living.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Selfless living, selfless love requires nothing in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: return. Selfless love requires nothing in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: return. Jesus modeled this so perfectly in the way that he even
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: went to the point of laying down his life for each of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: us. Even though we didn't deserve it, amen? He did that for us.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Last week Pastor Allen spoke and he talked about compassion.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Compassion requires us to do something. When we see a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: need, when we see somebody in front of us, Jesus was always
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: entertaining the needs that were presented to him, he was never too
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: busy to entertain what was exactly in front of the people that were
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: right in front of him, and compassion requires us to do something. And as
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Pastor Allen would say, it's not just for us uns, it's for
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Ghost uns too out there, okay? So we're going to look
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: at Jesus today and we're going to look at the portions of his life we're
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: going to look at how his, how he embodied this love
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that he had for sinners who qualifies
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: for as a sinner body in the room. Okay, so would you stand
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: with me? We're going to read with gusto from John theater 15
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: probably a familiar passage, for some of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you. Let's read together. Now the tax collectors
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and sinners were all gathered around to hear Jesus,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: but the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: this man welcomes sinners and eats with them.' Let's stop there for just
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a second, let me go ahead and preach. If we notice the first part
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of this, who was the group that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: I'll use myself as a Pharisee, it'd be as if we had some people walk
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: in who have no idea who Jesus is and they're more interested to hearing from
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Jesus than I am, okay? Or maybe perhaps you are,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: okay? It was the tax collectors and sinners that wanted to hear
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: from Jesus. Here's Jesus' response. Jesus told them
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: this parable, suppose one of you has a 100 sheep
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and loses one of them, doesn't he leave the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: 99 in the open country and go after the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and says, rejoice with me, I have found my lost
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sheep. I tell you that in the same way,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: there will be more rejoicing in Heaven over 1 sinner
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: who repents than over 99 righteous persons
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Father, I'm so grateful for Your word and that it is
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: alive and active today. Lord, I pray that you would use
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the words that I'm about to speak, Lord, to change people's hearts and lives,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: God, and that you would give us eyes to see others the way
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you see them. We love you today in Jesus name,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: amen. You may be seated.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: There are there are many
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: different cultures around the world, many different
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: types of lifestyles, experiences, cultures
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: all across this globe, some that we understand, some we don't
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: understand, and I wanted to kind of examine some of the cultures
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that you might run into here, especially here in America. We,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you know, we champion the melting pot of cultures
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that we have here. But let's look at maybe some of the traditions around the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: world of some of the cultures that we have. Now, this is a thing now,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: pray, so let's just
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: it does match my shirt.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Vonda. Alright. Some
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: tribes in China follow a tradition where the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: husband carries his wife and walks over burning coals.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: These tribes believe that this practice would help the wife have painless
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: labor, and some believe that walking over burning coals prevents
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: natural disasters. Some choose to do this as the husband and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: wife take their Ghost step into their new home, and some choose to do it
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: when they know that the wife is pregnant. The husband usually does this barefoot
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: with his wife on his back. In a yearly
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: festival in Spain, men dressed in yellow, yellow run and jump
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: over babies. During this festival, babies born
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: in the previous year are placed in arranged rows of pillows spaced
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: out down on a public street. The men dressed in bright yellow
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: costumes and masks began to run down the street jumping over the rows of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: children like Olympic hurdles hurdlers. This tradition
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: started in the early 1600s as the villagers obedience that this keeps the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: devil away from these children.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Everyone grieves differently after the loss of a loved one
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: But the women in Indonesia have quite a unique and severe way of dealing with
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: grief when they lose a loved one the top joint of the woman's
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: finger is amputated String will be tightly tied around the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: finger until it goes numb, and then a family member, often a sibling or a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: parent, will cut off the top of the finger. The wound is then burnt
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to stop the bleeding and prevent infection. This process is carried out to symbolize the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: pain suffered after the loss of a loved one. In the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Arab culture, greeting a friend or meeting a new person consists of 3 gentle
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: nudges or rubs of the nose. The importance of the nose in the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Arab culture cannot be overstated, it symbolizes pride and honor, and is
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: even used as a metaphor in the Arabic language to describe a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: person who has high self esteem and is proud.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Placed in the center of the face, the nose carries profound symbolism, making it the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the place to greet someone with the utmost respect.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Lastly, in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, a boy does
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: not become a man unless he can withstand being stung by a swarm of bullet
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: ants. This ant,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Ghost say that the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sting is just as excruciating as being shot by a bullet. The
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: initiation ritual includes the boy sticking their hands in a glove full
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of bullet ants while they dance. Moreover, this tradition is not
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a one time thing. The boy must go through this routine as many times as
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: it takes for him not to cry during the process. The day
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: he can adore this torture without shedding a single tear is the day
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: he becomes a real man.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Now we hear those cultural and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: traditional experiences that people have
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and many of us in this room would look and say man, that is so
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: weird, that is so odd, that is so
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: strange and to some of us it really is, but
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: it's not to them. We
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: are a people whose stories are woven
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: based on our cultural experiences and where
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: we grew up and who we were assigned to and the places
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: geographically we live. And so our
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: experiences and our culture is vastly
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: different than our brothers and sisters, let me reiterate, our
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: brothers and sisters around the globe. And
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: we have a very different obedience, but just because we have a different
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: experience doesn't necessarily mean that whatever they
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: are doing is wrong. It simply
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: helps us understand and opens our mind to while there
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: are many different cultures and many different ways to do
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: things and many different ways to handle circumstances and situations.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Everybody has a story and we cannot
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: be quick to judge that which we do not understand.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: We ought not be quick to judge that which we do
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: not understand. We had a foreign exchange student, his name
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: was Nai Fu, he was from China, he came, lived with us, this was probably
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a decade ago, And I remember one of the Ghost mornings that he was with
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: us, or 1st week he was with us, he had grabbed all of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: his underwear and he took it to our kitchen sink and took a wooden
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: spoon and started washing his underwear in our sink with a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: wooden spoon and soap because he didn't know how to use
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a washing machine and so I had to go to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: knife and pray oh no. No, no, this is not how we wash our underwear
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: here in the United States and so I began to teach
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: him and show him to go into the washing machine. He felt so bad. He
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: felt he felt so ashamed and so and so bad that that he did
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that simultaneously we had another boy he was from Brazil
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: he was a little more wealthier and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: his underwear stood in the middle of the floor of the hallway. And I said,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Antonio, you need to clean your underwear. And he said, no, that's for your wife.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And in our culture in the United States when you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: say something like that you're on a plane on the way back home.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Both boys were excellent and we were so glad to have them in our house.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: They had to acclimate to our culture. They
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: had to acclimate to that acclimate to to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the way that we do things here and we learned about their culture and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: how they did things from where they were. They have a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: story you have a story
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Everyone has a story. In addition,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: everyone is a sinner. Doesn't matter what your background is,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: where you come from, what color, nationality, creed, everyone on planet
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Earth has got the same chronic issue.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: We are all sinners. We are all
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sinners Romans 3 says this for all have all means
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: all for all Ascend and fallen short of the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: glory of God and because of this truth because we have
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sinned and fallen short of the glory of God not only does everybody have
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a story not not only is everybody sinned,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: everybody needs a Savior. Everybody
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: needs a Savior. And
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: so as we examine cultures and as we think
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: about different people and different body,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: it's not so far different than the person who's sitting next to you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: or behind you or in front of you that you're not
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: daily connected to and the fact that they have a story,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a pathway, a journey that they have walked that you may
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: not know all the details about, you may not know all
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the circumstances of, but somehow that brought them their
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: story, their pathway, their journey brought them to Smyrna, Tennessee at a small
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: church on Old Nashville Highway this morning called Spring House Church.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: All of us have a story. We all have different circumstances. Why is it
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: then Christians, Christian meaning being like Ghost, why is it
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: then Christians that we look at people and we do not give
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: them the empathy that they need to understand they
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: have a story just like we do? Why is it that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: when certain behaviors are expressed by people who
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: might believe or may not believe, people have gone astray, people have denied
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Christ, why then is there an automatic expectation,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: after we've given our life to Christ, that we say they have got to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: perform with excellence, just like the Pharisees expected the people of that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: time to perform with excellence and follow every rule to the T.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: The indicator on whether or not you know the Lord has everything to do with
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: your behavior, and so since I see certain behaviors that don't line up with the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: word, you must not love the Lord, and I'm going to make sure you know
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: about and everybody else does.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: I wonder how many of us
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: enjoy the benefit of the grace, the bevy of grace
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that Jesus gives us, but once we succumb to that grace
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and once we acknowledge him as our Lord and Savior, and once we take what
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: we need from him, then we go get the pharise cynical garban
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and we walk around as Pharisees trying to preach to everybody else pointing the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: finger this way. Now, some would
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: say, oh, here goes another little soft message that we're going to do at Spring
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: House about how we're supposed to love others.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: I would argue that this is the most important message that Christians could
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: ever hear The way that we are
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: supposed to treat others because Jesus Christ came and spread his blood not only so
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that we can be reconciled to him, so that we can be reconciled to one
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: another, so that we can be reconciled to one another, and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: so there was an accusation made of Jesus and it was this, Jesus
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: is a friend of sinners. Now we
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: look at that pray, especially on this side of salvation, this side of the story,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and we look at that and say, well that is actually a compliment. Jesus is
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: friend of sinners. It was not used as a compliment when it was said to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: him, it was an accusation. Because the Pharisees saw
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Jesus proclaiming God, teaching about God, yet he was hanging out
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: with those people. Can I tell you I am one of those people?
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: You are one of those people? And it seems to be that those
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: people, those people were more interested in hearing what Jesus
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: had to say than the people who knew more about Jesus themselves because of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: what they've studied and what they and what they knew.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Jesus was a friend of sinners.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: But a lot of times when we look at this we look at this phrase
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Jesus friend of sinners if we're honest with ourselves. We read it our mind
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: doesn't contemplate Jesus our mind doesn't really even contemplate
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: friend our eyes and our mind is drawn right to sinners. And then
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: we build a wall right in between us and everybody else who qualifies for
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sinner. I want you to know that we qualify a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sinner all have sinned, right? So just for a few
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: moments just for me and for us today and just lay a framework. I
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: want to eliminate the preposition there and I want to just talk about Jesus as
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a friend. I wanna talk just a moment
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: about Jesus as a friend. Jesus
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: defines friendship in a way that is
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: counter church to the way we define friendship here in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: America and probably around the globe. The word
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that is used in scripture for friendship all throughout the New Testament
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: is the word phileo phileo And phileo
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: has a very Spirit meaning when it
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: comes to friendship and I want to read this to you. Phileo
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: love is shown within close friendships.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: This is a generous and affectionate love that seeks to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: make the other person happy with no
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: expectation for the acts of kindness to be returned.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Now, we can stop right there. I'm your
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: friend and I want you to be happy and I want
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to be generous to you, but I am measuring the reciprocation
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: every day That is not phileo love.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: It's not the love. He's talking about it's not really the supernatural kingdom minded love
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: we're supposed to have for one another. Remember selflessness
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: requires nothing in return. So to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: continue. David and Jonathan are one
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of the Bible's best examples of phileo love within a friendship in 1
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Samuel 18:1-three it describes their friendship and it says in part
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that the soul of Jonathan was knit
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: as his own soul. Then Jonathan made a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: covenant or a promise with David because he loved him as
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: his own soul. Now, we don't understand this, this is kind of like,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: this is kind of like me, us walking on coals with our spouses on
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: our backs, this is counter cultural that you would have a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: friend, a deep friendship with somebody that would be
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: intimate enough that you would be connected by
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: soul. But Jesus Christ came to obliterate
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the cultural bias and lens, the cultural
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: definition of love and friendship and relationship, he came to obliterate
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that and redefine it in the way that he saw it.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And if we would embrace supernaturally the way that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: God sees friendship and sees, sees relationship,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: we would see some things happen in us that would allow us to heal
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: from past wounds, heal from Ghost brokenness, heal
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: crevices in our lives in ways that you would never imagine possible.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Have you ever had a friend Ghost stepped into
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: your life and said I'm willing to give everything to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you. I'm willing to do anything for you. I love you because
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of who you are despite what you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: do for me to me or with me in return.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And the truth of the matter is those friends are very, very far and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: few between if you even have them but everybody
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: in the room longs to have one like that.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Everyone in the room longs to have a relationship
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: like that. And so, let's look at some of the list of the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: qualities of a good friend. Let's just very basic, pray, so I
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: want you to think everybody, I'm gonna have you raise your hand,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: but I would say everybody in here has friends and some of you would say,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: man, I've got, you know, I've got let's just pretend right now.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: We're all friends. Pray. We're all friends. Pray, even
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: if you don't like the person you're sitting next to right now, we're our friends,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: okay? Everybody's friends in this room, okay? We start on this list and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: we go down this road of friendship and I want you to notice
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: as it gets harder the base of friendships gets
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: lower and lower. Let's watch. The first qualification friends
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: should be refreshing. Friends should be refreshing when you get into your
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: friends presence man it should be something where there's laughter. There's joy. There's a refreshing
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: element that comes friends should be encouraging.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Encouraging nothing like a friend that comes in and Ghost spouts out discouragement to you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: all the time. I think that's abuse. That's not friendship.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Friends should be helpful. Oh, we just eliminated.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Pray, there's 20%. Why is there
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: 20% gone because all friends say I'll be there anytime you need me. But when
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the rubber hits the road doesn't always act that way doesn't always look that way.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Do you got some friends that you can call up in a moment's notice and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: they will be there no matter what's going on.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: You can't be that for body, but you got some
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: friends that you call up and it's they're there.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Friends should be affectionate. Tell you what, you saw that Pray picture up there,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: somebody got real queasy because of our culture.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: But friends should be able to be affectionate. Bible even talks
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: about greeting each other with a holy kiss. We have so perverted
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: affection in our culture that we dismiss the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: healing properties and powers in affectionate love.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Just dismiss another 40% of that group.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Trustworthy. Well now we're down to just a few.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: What do you mean? Trustworthy means that if I am in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: relationship with you, if I'm in friendship with you and I have
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: beared my all and I have given you all this information
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: about what's going on inside my life, then you take that information
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and decide, I'm I'm just gonna go carry this on to this person that has
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: no clue, no idea, or no relationship with
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: this person, and then the trust is severed and broken because you took
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the information outside of the context of the relationship.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Friends should be trustworthy. I was just trying to help you. I
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: didn't give you permission to do that. Go to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the lord.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Now, we're really getting low. Friends should be
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: forgiving.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: You wronged me and so I'm out of here
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Until you realize how much the blood
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of Jesus Christ covered your own sin.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: How many have had a friend that really just blew it or maybe you were
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a friend that you just blew it? I mean, you just completely
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and you had a friend who offered grace and forgave you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: despite the circumstance and the situation.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Forgiveness. A few more attached with the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: actual verses because we're getting real slim on our on our
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: on our pool looks like. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs. You
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: know, I'm going to say something that's probably God to hit hard for some of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you And it's probably just because I'm how I'm wired but
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the jabs that we make at one another the sarcastic remarks that we make
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: at one another the things where that are actually hurtful were
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: words are powerful God used words to create the world words
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: are powerful. And I would solicit to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you just allow the Lord to maybe minister to your mind that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: when you're jabbing and when the other person's laughing, you may
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: actually be hurting them on a deep level that you don't understand because they don't
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: know how to respond. The Bible
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: says don't let any don't let some unwholesome talk come out of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: your mouth as long as you're with these people. No. Don't let any unwholesome talk.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Guys, there is enough in this culture that beats people down. Why would we need
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to do that in the church? Why do we need to do that to each
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: other? Let's put each other
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: up. Again, Do
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit rather in humility
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: value others above yourself. I'm
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: putting your needs above mine. And here's
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the real kicker. Jesus said this greater love has no one than
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: this that he laid down one's life for his
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: friend. Went and played in an escape room recently
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: with James actually and, we were in this this
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: spaceship or whatever and at the end we got to the end and it was
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: like countdown and I realized when we were in there I just
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: as I was putting all of it together somebody's gonna have to sacrifice their
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: life in order to win this somebody has to go into where the bomb
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Ghost off and the door has to shut and as soon as I realized
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that I took the thing I opened the door and I threw myself in the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: room and closed it so that he could live now sounds kind of like a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: like pat me on the back story. But it
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: is a picture. It is a picture
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of when the rubber hits the road. And there's
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: got to be a sacrifice made for friendship. Do you have somebody in your
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: life? That's willing to no matter what take the key and jump in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and close the door. It's no conversation. There's no There's
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: just I'm going to do this.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Fileo love, phileo love
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Jesus was a friend a phileo friend to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sinners. To the people with
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: stories, to the people with the mess, to the people
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: who did not measure up according to the Pharisees, Jesus
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: was a friend to sinners and if Jesus was a friend to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sinners, how ought we be treating one another?
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Now Jesus did not condone sin. He did not
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: endorse sin. Jesus never participated in sin, but
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Jesus covered sin. Jesus covered
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sin so that we would have a pathway to him in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: relationship. Jesus covered our sin so that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a dialogue and a conversation could happen. The word
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: says come, let us reason together,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: let us discuss the matter at hand. God has
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: not, He has not relented chasing after those who are
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: running from him, who are confused by him, who have questions that are
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: unanswered, who don't really know what they're doing, who are headed
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to destruction, he has not split the sky because there is a dying world out
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: there that needs to know the truth of Jesus
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Ghost. And as we discovered a few weeks
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: ago, God's chosen instrument is people.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: He wants to use you to convey His love to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a dying world. And so I think
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of people in scripture Jesus going up and seeing
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Zacchaeus in the tree, Zacchaeus who stole
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: money who probably had lots of insecurities
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: inside him and Jesus says I've got to come to your house today.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: I think of Mary Magdalene who appeared at dinner when
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Jesus is reclining at the table and pours out expensive perfume
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: all over Jesus's feet because Jesus was compassionate
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and allowed her to have a story that was
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of brokenness and he was offering the opportunity for
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: healing. Nobody at the table understood that, you know what they saw? You're spending
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: I think of the woman who was caught in the middle of adultery.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Everybody with a stone, not one person taking a moment to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: find out what the circumstances or what the story behind it, all we
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: see is the sin and we're ready to cast the stone. Is that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: how we're living our lives, church, today?
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Because it's not how Jesus rolled. It's not how
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Jesus operated when he found other people going through
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: things. Jesus always made time and made room
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and made space to just be.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: So what I want you to understand today is when we cross
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: people who are mixed up in all sorts of mess, I want you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to understand that you have a story, a journey too.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: You have a journey as well. And everybody is
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: walking this journey out empathy is the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: ability to understand and be sensitive to the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: experiences of somebody
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: else. Now you might not know the details
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of somebody else's story, but you know that they've got a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: story and you can empathize that everyone has a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: story. Everyone is a sinner and everyone needs a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: savior Just like you needed a savior.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: In my life guys. My life was not radically
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: changed because I was messing up on the side of the road. I was
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: doing XY and Z and somebody just put a big flashlight on my life and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: had a stone ready to say you're messing up. You need to get your life
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: together. Look what's going on.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Pay attention Kevin wake up. You need to get it together.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Love changed my life. Love
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: changed my life and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: for some reason guys we tend to get in this
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: thing that we we see God's amazing
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: grace in His love The word talks about His banner
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: over me His love right? And so, we see this amazing
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: love that He has placed in our life.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Upon salvation. And we get under here
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and we realize how really good it is. And we
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: initially really realize it because when you're out in the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: world, and some of you have these types of testimonies and stories, when you're
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: out in the world and you recognize what
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: God has saved you from and you recognize all
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of the pain and depression and defeat and all of the the destruction you're added
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: toward and you realize now that you have life, when we get
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: over here it is eye opening, it is Marshall up there
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: saying my life is made new. My life is made
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: new. And you revel and you are
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: so excited to be under the banner of his
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: love because he has changed your life from the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: inside out. Justin come on up here, James
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: come up here, John come up here, please.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Like one of you just sit on the bench and the other 2 just kind
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of hang out.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: So what happens here is we get
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: these guys are mixed up in sin. Doesn't it look like it?
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: These guys are mixed up in sin and they're rolling together and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: they're and they're every type of every type
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of you fill in the blank because you can think of a million whatever
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: this whatever your sin of church is Baskin Robbins here 31
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: flavors choose 1. They're mixed up in this, okay?
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: But the pray, but the thing I want you to understand is while they're mixed
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: up in this sin, John has his own story. He pray
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: end up ended up in the same place, but he has his own story. Justin
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: may have ended up in the same place, but he has his own story.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: James may end up in the same place, but they all have their own
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: story that the Lord wants to redeem.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: It's interesting how sin will bring us to the similar place, the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: similar hole of destruction, won't it?
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And so all of a sudden all of a sudden let's say
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: John, he goes to some revival, right? And John all
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of a sudden is introduced to Jesus and everything has changed in his
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: life. He is now living under the banner of God's
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: love. The word tells us in the book of Psalms that the boundary lines of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: my life have fallen in pleasant pray, and now for John, it has
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: fallen for him in pleasant places. He is so
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: excited about this new life, this abundant life that he has that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: is so far in contrast to the life he was living over
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: here. So John gets, John gets saved,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: John is over here under the banner of God's love,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and he is now confronted with the people that are
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: living Ghost lifestyle that that he used to live.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Now what so many of us do is we grab such a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: hold of God's love here and we stay right here and we look
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and we shout and we say, get your life
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: together, fix your problems.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Good job, buddy. Yeah, you don't have to yell. It's fine.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Yeah. And we
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and we put we put everything at arm's length
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: because we're not going to abandon this. It's like no. This is this is banner
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of God's love. I'm here. I am stable, I'm secure, I don't
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: want anything to do, I don't want anything It's good that you don't want anything
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to do with that. But the problem is, John, is not only are you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: responsible for the Lord moving in your life and changing your life, but He
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: has commissioned you to go out into the world
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and spread His love and His gospel. You see, it continues to give, it's not
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a selfish love, it is a selfless love that you have to give because now
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you have, you've been over overcome by the blood of the lamb and the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: word of your testimony. And so if you're staying here,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: they're over there dying. And you know they're dying because you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: used to be dying with them. I have no idea, I've got
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: my sin stuff is over here. I've got my own stuff. So I've got a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: group of people I'm ministering to over here because I can relay. I
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: can empathize with the story that's happening over here, but
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you can empathize with their story because you walk those paths. It
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: will be so interesting because when you open your eyes, the Lord will, all of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: a sudden, all the people that you're walking with inside, they're just right there.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: All the access to all the stuff that you used to be apart, right there,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: so easy for you to grab. Why do you think that is? It's because the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Holy Spirit wants to use you as an agent of his grace. And
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: so what we do, well, now we have 2 choices. You can step out of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the banner of love and pray, well, that was good for a minute and you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: can sit right back down and Welcome home.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Dive right back into that lifestyle and guys a lot of people do that.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: A lot of people do that they get sidetracked and they get right back into
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: their lifestyle or come back over here. You can
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: understand that God has given you the ability
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to be covered under his love
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and you go and you sit.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Now, there's a difference here body. There's a difference here.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: You're covered and you're hanging out here
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and Justin has a story and your job
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: isn't to beat him to death with all of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: your new life and all your new living and all this stuff. Our job is
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to sit down and empathize with Justin. Now here's the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: here's the thing, Justin was your best friend.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And so Justin's not very happy that you're coming back around with this.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And so he pushes you off the bench
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and he hurts you. Ghost what your response is?
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Go right back to the bench and sit down. Justin
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: talks bad about you, says all types of hurtful things about you,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: spends your business that you told him that he wasn't supposed to know, pushes you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: off the bench and scars you again. Guess why that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: doesn't bother you? Because the Lord is taking care of all of your wounds and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: all of the things and all of that pride that was in there is all
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: going down and he's redeeming all of that. So Ghost what you're limping and you're
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: scarred up and guess what you come right back here and you sit down.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Once more Justin isn't taking it so he just knocks you out just completely
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: knocks you out right?
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And John, you continue to get up, but it's not in your own strength,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: because greater is He who is in you than He is in the world, and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: God has given you a supernatural a supernatural strength by the Holy Spirit
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to get up and keep coming back. And eventually,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Justin doesn't coming back? And eventually, Justin doesn't have any more
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: in him to dish out to you where he eventually begins to break and concede
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and the concession, the reason he's conceding is why would
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you be so kind to keep coming back
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and enduring the abuse I'm giving you after
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: years Listen to me, people, sometimes
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you have to walk with people for years while they're
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: walking through their sin and their mess and their muck and their
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: mire, you keep showing up, you keep
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sitting down because it's a part of their story.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And so, the Holy Spirit starts to get involved here and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Justin starts to pray because you did not give up on him,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and all of a sudden, you are the agent that he uses to hand a
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: gift of salvation over to Justin. All of a sudden, Justin now has the gift
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: of salvation and he too is now covered.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And now you can walk to the banner of His love
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: together and you can be healed.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Now James is going to hell.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: But look at this power. Now you got 2 brothers in the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: same situation, been set free, and this guy's over
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: here, and he's been the big thug of them all, he's actually started the whole
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: mess over here. He's got the big guns. And guys, you come over and sit
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: down, James, you come over and you start to get around him. And guys, it
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: might take years, it might take but my experience
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: has been that the Holy Spirit's contagious, Jesus is contagious,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and so you start getting enough of the people, the Lord starts moving in our
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: life, all of a sudden exponentially things start to change around that group
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: because nobody, whether they're in sin or not, wants to be isolated
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and alone. It will drive you to the pit of sin, but
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: when you see that there is a gift of salvation out there that there is
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: something better that is attractive. You'll jump on board and then they begin to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: offer Him and they bring Him over here also into the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: banner of of His love and so, and then there's freedom,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: There's freedom, right? Thank you guys so
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: much.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: They're not leaving without their covering.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Jesus said that when the owner of the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: sheep found the lost one. He
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: didn't yell at the sheep. He didn't kick the sheep. He didn't
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: slaughter the sheep because you messed up. He joyfully
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: picked it up on its shoulders. Let me let me let me He
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: picked it up and put it on his shoulders because he says, you don't have
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the strength to come home alone. You need my strength
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: in order to make it home. And after carrying the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: burden for the sheep, the first thing out of the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: mouth when the sheep comes back into the fold isn't,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: let me tell you what this sheep did. Let me tell you what
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: this sheep got into. Let me just expose everything that's
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: been going on. No. He says, rejoice with me I have
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: found my lost sheep. Rejoice with
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: me because that which was lost has
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: now been found, Has now
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: been found. Guys, we learn, Kol, come on, we learn over in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Romans 2 this, God's kindness is
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: intended to lead us to repentance.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: It is his kindness that's intended to lead
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: us to repentance, notice there, it's God's
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: kindness. If Jesus was being kind to all of
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: these people in order to get them to a place of repentance,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: what type of tools do we think we're using on the people that we see
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: who have gone astray?
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: We have to exercise the power of empathy,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: understanding that we are not the one doing the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: transformation or the work, it is Christ Jesus himself. He
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: is the one who changes lives. He uses us as
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: willing vessels to go out into the world and, guess what, be
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: under the blood of the lamb and the word of our
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: testimony, our story. Marshall, you had a story.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: God is going to use that story to advance the kingdom. There are people who
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: have been down the dark roads that you've gone in, people you've hung out with,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: people you've rubbed the elbows with, people you've probably drank with, buddy, people that you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: just sat with in a pit and guess what? They're looking at you like, let
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: me see if this is really real. But guess what? Love
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: is exuding out of your life right now, joy is exuding out of your life,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the gifts of the Spirit, the fruit of the spirit is exuding out of your
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: life and it is attractive, and it is attractive, and so you
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: keep getting back there. You go to that bench every single time. You just sit
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: there. Let them push you off. Let them talk bad about you guys. That's called
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: suffering for Christ, just so you know. When people push
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: back, when people say, our lives are not supposed to necessarily just be cushy lives
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: where we're just all about how we can build wealth for ourselves. We are supposed
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to be used as vessels to to minister and show
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Christ to a dying world. That's why we're here. That's why this message is
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: so stinking important. Jesus,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: he came to see the unseen. He came
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to see the broken and I don't know where you are today because I believe
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: there's probably some people in here on their journey and you are
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: confused. You have questions that have gone unanswered.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: You have prayed and prayed and prayed and it seems like God is distant.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And in all of those pray, in all of those things you keep coming back
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and you don't necessarily know why you're coming back, but the reason you're coming back
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: is because he has always rendered kindness. He has always
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: been kind in all of those situations.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: So I ask Cole to do this song.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: So that we can recollect and remember
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: that we too have a story
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: and God is a significant part of our story in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: how he responded to us. Go God ahead.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: All he's ever been is kind.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Cross culturally, across all experiences,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: circumstances, and stories, God renders kindness.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: What's the goal? So that we would turn away from
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the destruction of this world and
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: receive an abundant love that we can't even comprehend.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: You have a story. And that story doesn't
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: just belong to you. God comes in, redeems
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: your story, and He uses it for a dying world.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: So I don't know if you've gone astray or that you know somebody who's gone
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: astray or maybe you're working with people that have no
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: clue. But I encourage you,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: keep sitting back down at the bench.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Keep going back to the mat. You're not supposed to do that with
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: everyone. Who's the Lord put in your
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: path? I don't know who He's put in my path. Ask Him.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Ask the Lord, Lord, who have you put in my path? And
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: to begin to exercise that phileo love we
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: talked about. This joy, unexplainable.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: And lastly, I would pray, if you have a friend, you know,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: we tend to be we tend to be
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: harsh to the people we're closest with because
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: we expect them to give us a margin of grace.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: But if you have a friend in your life who is Thileo,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: some of you do,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: Thank the Lord. Express to them what it means to
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: you. Allow that to continue to be. And if you don't have that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: type of friend, if you don't have that type of friend, start being that
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: type of friend to someone and watch the Lord
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: do exponential things with it. Would you stand
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: with me? I am going to give you a blessing this morning.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: the one who breathes stars and spins the planets.
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: May this very big, huge, sovereign,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: almighty God remind us of the
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: moment when he sat right next to us in our mess and pulled
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: us out of the muck and mire and set people in
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: our path that we can share his good loving grace
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: with. Thank you for your kindness, Lord. Jesus name,
Speaker:Kevin O'Dea: amen. Be blessed Spirit House.