

One of the ways the enemy tries to hold us back is through addiction - in bondage - and then to convince us we're alone and have to get out in our own strength. Listen as Pastor Justin shares the truth of how God can set us free.

Scriptures Referenced

Genesis 1,2; Psalm 18:2; Matthew 4:1-11; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5; Ephesians 6:12; Colossians 3:2; James 1:14-15; 1 John 2:16

About Springhouse

If you’re looking for a church in Smyrna, TN that is focused on Loving Big, Living Truth, and Healthy Family, we’d love to connect with you. We are home to a vibrant children’s ministry, powerful middle school and youth ministries, and incredible ministries for men and women of all ages. Our local and global outreaches include partnerships with missionaries in the US and abroad, Isaiah 117 House, local retirement communities, and more. 

Additionally, we are home to Springhouse Theatre, an award-winning theatre in the Nashville area. Through the theatre, we serve both the greater Nashville theatre community, and thousands of patrons each year, and we are expanding our vision to impact the culture through the arts into additional mediums and through an expanding network of relationships.

We would love it if you would consider joining us in person for one of our Sunday gatherings.

Additional Resources

Gathering Times

  • Sundays, 9:00 AM
  • Sundays, 10:30 AM

Contact Info

Springhouse Church
14119 Old Nashville Highway
Smyrna TN 37167


CCLI License 2070006